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AnacharsisIV t1_j7bwvin wrote

>The flood of migrant families into New York City is forcing schools to accept children who lack required vaccinations

Legit question, why? If these migrants are living in city-run shelters, don't most of them have either clinics or a liaison with city health and hospitals? Why can't scheduling these kids for vaccination be part of the intake process of getting them into NYC public schooling to begin with?


Remarkable_Landscape t1_j7eb2cg wrote

It isn't true, that's why. All transfer students have a window to get the required vaccines, based on the assumption its better they have a slight risk of infection over being a month behind in learning.

I don't know if you've ever lived in a NYC shelter, but while you get access to city funded stuff "fast" and "efficient" are not the word people usually use to describe the process.
