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BraveSirZaphod OP t1_j9fvf0r wrote

The only reason this wasn't much much worse is because there was an employee inside who called 911 immediately.

This very easily could have killed people, and the fact that someone got so triggered over a piece of fabric that they either tried, or didn't care about, killing several people is a problem.

If you don't have anyone that would gladly burn you to death over a basic aspect of your identity, I'm envious, since I apparently can't say the same.


lila-pink t1_j9hgvib wrote

seeing how im not a straight white male yes i have come in contact with people who would want to harm me/ have harmed me in the past. this planet is falling the fuck apart and i cant have a chuckle over an immaterial thought too lol


JohnnnyCupcakes t1_j9odtlf wrote

Welllll…sorry, but noone’s out there trying to burn you to death, so maybe lets pump the brakes on the dramatics. Don’t worry, we’re all still very supportive of your penis and vagina rights. By the way, did you ever think that this could’ve been an attempt at insurance fraud? When you think about it, an unhinged neighborhood vagrant and a rainbow flag are the perfect cover story..
