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brownredgreen t1_j7g5y6l wrote

In your mind, how's this different than a "legal" strike?

Isnt that also, from your view "a bunch of civil servants quitting"?


queensnyatty t1_j7g6btl wrote

One is legal and the other is illegal. That’s the difference.

If you are some kind of law doesn’t matter anarchist, what are you doing in a government job in the first place?


brownredgreen t1_j7g6hu7 wrote

Immoral laws deserve no respect.

Not all laws are the same.

I also support runaway slaves. The moral law > the legal law


queensnyatty t1_j7g71yr wrote

So you’re saying you’ll happily suck off the public teat but the second it’s convenient for you, all of a sudden you’re Henry David Thoreau.

I got it, your values are whatever is best for you in the moment. Lots of people like that.


brownredgreen t1_j7g76p5 wrote

You're a bad troll

The fact that you think moral law is "whatever is best for me in the moment" shows how absolutely idiotic you are.

0/10, wont reply again