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Die-Nacht t1_j7sknac wrote

> Can you provide a reference for the typical construction type of a six story apartment building in Europe?

I cannot. Because I'm not a construction expert. All I know is that Europe and Asia has older cities, with older buildings, which I'm sure aren't up to code, as well as newer, taller buildings than what we have. And yet, they managed to figure out how not to use expensive, massive trucks. So I don't buy the whole "old buildings that aren't up to code" or "massive newer towers" are real excuses.

I'm no expert, like I said, I'm just a street safety advocate that's annoyed that we have such dangerous streets because we need to keep them do damn wide. So we should be figuring out how to make them smaller, to save lives (not just from fires) and money.


Prime_Exposures t1_j7snml3 wrote

As a cyclist I can understand your sentiment. Unfortunately it can not be realized in NYC until all 5-7 story non-fireproof buildings are razed.