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AmazinTim t1_j9145zj wrote

New Yorkers are brilliant when it comes to giving directions, they’ll fall over themselves to tell you how to get places. The cynic in me knows it’s because they’re so proud that they know where to go and want to demonstrate that to others as a casual flex.


JelliedHam t1_j91c950 wrote

I've heard a comment that new Yorkers are kind but not always nice. People from other cities are nice but not always kind.

I think if you throw out the outliers. Overly nice and total assholes you end up with an average of: if you respect our pace, space, and expectations of general etiquette in NYC, we are pleasant and enthusiastic about helping others in need. The best way to flow in the city and get help when you need it is to be chill and get out of the way when needed. If it's clear you're not completely oblivious to others or a total douche, we got you.


StevenAssantisFoot t1_j91hci7 wrote

This is too accurate. If someone asks me for directions and we are going a similar way I will of course give them directions but also stay visibly nearby just in case they need more help and so they know I am sort of with them (I am a small woman and definitely not a presence anyone would perceive as menacing). I don't try and chat or make friends but I do feel a protective instinct to watch over this stranger and not allow them to feel alone and lost, or miss their stop. Kind, but not nice. Never thought of my behavior this way but it's true.


eekamuse t1_j91l532 wrote

I do the same thing. It's great to hear how it feels for the other person. At least for OP


BartletForPrez t1_j9174gl wrote

Real New Yorkers all have this superpower of knowing exactly which direction they're going when the exit the subway. Doesn't matter which station. Doesn't matter whether they've ever been on that block or to that station. They just walk out of the station and are like "It's this way." "How the heck do you know, is that North? Where's the sun?" "It's this way." As a former suburban kid I will never not be amazed at how they do it!


3DPrintedCloneOfMyse t1_j919fk0 wrote

The trick is to orient yourself to the subway you just got off of. Were you on a northbound train? Great, the direction the train left in is north.


Darrackodrama t1_j91dtl3 wrote

Sometimes when you are in a new station and you talk 3 turns and a stairwell to get to street level you forget which way the train was running.

It helps to know if you are standing near an avenue and if there is a subway grate below. That is giveaway for me of north south vs East west and the rest is context


snazztasticmatt t1_j91gfq9 wrote

I've said for years that I'm going to print out a bunch of cardinal direction stickers and throw them up on the stairs out of subway stations. Even when I orrient myself against the departing train, it would be so much easier to know that the staircase leads east or west or whatever


57dimensions t1_j92a9c2 wrote

Yeah transferring between the L and the F at 14th st always throws me off because of the stair turns, I'm not sure why that station in particular gets me because there aren't even that many staircases, but I always have to triple check I'm getting on the right L train.


photo-smart t1_j92npiv wrote

> It helps to know if you are standing near an avenue and if there is a subway grate below. That is giveaway for me of north south vs East west and the rest is context

I feel silly for asking, but how exactly are you orienting yourself based on the avenue and subway grates?


Darrackodrama t1_j93niow wrote

For example if there is a subway grate below you and you’re on an avenue you know that train (usually the one you just got off of is running below you depends on the station though)

Then you can look down the block and see if the street number decreases or increases and get a sense of north south if you’re on an avenue !


eekamuse t1_j91ljtv wrote

Yeah but try to remember then as you go up the stairs. "North north north, turning east now south south south, west, back to north. Walking,walking more stairs now we we're heading north again, wait,did I make a turn while I was walking? Fuuuck"


whatshamilton t1_j91zkfo wrote

I orient myself to the road traffic. Even streets go east. Wanna go west on 22nd? Walk against traffic.


ahkian t1_j91ydpg wrote

Also most subway exits tell you which direction you’re exiting in


whatshamilton t1_j91zg0w wrote

They tell you which side of the street the exit is on. Not which direction you’ll be facing. You can come up the N exit but be facing S if the stairs are aimed in that direction. You need to know I’m the N exit, that’s the S exit across the street, so if I want to go East I need to turn left.


Omphalos- t1_j917trw wrote

The subway exits have cardinal directions on the signs above, for example NE and SE exits at 42nd st.


leg_day t1_j91ckdj wrote

> "It's this way."

And when you get it wrong, no, you meant to take the southeast corner stairs despite having to now cross two very busy stoplights because uhhhh shut up and cross!


Very_Bad_Janet t1_j91r401 wrote

I don't know if it's pride. If I have no idea what to tell someone I'll say I don't know. But I think we do want to be helpful - being in this city does make one feel like we're all in it together. I might not know where to send you but if you seem reasonably ok I might pull out my Google Maps app and check the MTA app, too, for you.

ETA: I know Parisiennes also get a bad rap. But one time I was lost in Paris and some sweet gentleman listened to my really bad French, literally took me by the arm, and took me to the place I was looking for. And he wasn't the only one who went out of his way to help me. I think if you are respectful, people in big cities will help you out.


kipsterdude t1_j91ee2u wrote

I think it may also be (at least in my case) because we've all been there. We've all gotten on the wrong train, or headed the wrong direction, and we can see the confusion on someone's face when they're not sure what to do. It's not a fun feeling.


shydumplinggg t1_j92uf8h wrote

thats so true hahah we just wanna show off that we know the city