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eldersveld t1_j915ulj wrote

I was on the uptown 6th Ave platform at W 4th, on my way to Rockefeller. A young Russian couple approached me and asked if the trains on this platform would take them to Herald Square, pointing to that station on their map. Yes, I said, any train on this platform would get you there.

Some sixth sense I had was tingling, so I made to sure to get on the same car as them when the D pulled in. Sure enough, when we hit 34th and the doors opened, they just sat there. I whipped my head around and pointed at them: "This is you." "This is Herald Square?" "Yes! Get off!" They hurried off and then gave me a thumbs-up through the window, and I laughed for a bit.

Going the extra mile if it seems like the poor bastard just isn't going to get where they want without a little more help... well, it's just fun!