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Souperplex t1_j91cwgm wrote

As my southern friend says: It's the difference between nice and polite.

New Yorkers are happy to help you, but also will tell you off for fucking up. Southerners are performatively polite but will not help a stranger in need.


eekamuse t1_j91m3lq wrote

I always hear that about people outside of NY but I find it hard to believe.

People aren't going to walk past if you slip on the ice, or drop your groceries. I won't believe it until I see it.


Souperplex t1_j91u6wg wrote

My southern friend (Texas) is the source of this claim. I haven't spent enough time down there to verify.


eekamuse t1_j91w5sd wrote

I've hear it many times on here. I still find it hard to believe. But it could be true