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This is a pretty shitty attitude to have. First, the district has been a safe democratic seat for many years. Second, he mainly rode the wave of high Republican turnout which happened across the entire state, coupled with an unknown Democratic contender who seemingly stopped campaigning once he got the nomination and an underwhelming nominee for Governor. Santos didn’t win overwhelmingly. Third, the district was redrawn this year to make it slightly more competitive than it had been.

All this to say, the 3rd district isn’t some hillbilly district. It’s highly likely to turn back to blue in 2024, and something like 80% of the district disapproves of Santos. People keep writing it off like, ‘Well, they got what was coming to them’ like it’s a reliably red district, and it’s just incredibly ignorant.


survive_los_angeles t1_j9tcced wrote

thats a pretty impassioned write up.

nobody thinks that district is a hillbilly district. There is a strong voting block for trump style conservatism visible all thru queens long island all the way out to the hamptons.

Its not about wether that district is red or blue or shifting the district lines.

Someone there showed up to vote for Santos this time - they loved him. and they got what they voted for -- someone that reflects who they are. The people who didnt vote for him that doesnt apply to.



By saying he represents his constituents, that lumps people who voted for him and didn’t vote for him into the same camp.

Queens actually went Democrat, but since they make up a relatively small size of the district, the Long Island-side went more Republican. Parts of Long Island are solidly blue. Long Island is not a monolith.

A constituency is everybody, not just a politicians voters.