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koreamax t1_j7luys0 wrote

Let's see how Canada handles a massive influx of illegal immigrants


Ares6 t1_j7lx80t wrote

Actually fine. Canada has set out plans to welcome in 1.5 million immigrants into Canada by 2025. Which is per capita 4x the amount the US gets. Canada has been settling in many economic migrants.

Canada is currently suffering from a labor shortage. They just took in a record amount of immigrants of over 400 thousand. Which is huge for their population size.


koreamax t1_j7lyxcd wrote

Immigrants are different than illegal immigrants.


[deleted] t1_j7n3uyj wrote



koreamax t1_j7n6bo6 wrote

Are you talking about me? My wife's parents were illegal immigrants.

Edit-lol you deleted your comment


Ares6 t1_j7lze4t wrote

Canada has set out to take in both.


huunnuuh t1_j7miwku wrote

No. Just try it. Walk into Canada without going through customs. You will be arrested. You will be given the opportunity to claim asylum. As an American, your claim would likely be rejected and you would be eventually deported.

Anyone in Canada has a right to claim asylum. Most aren't actually granted asylum though. And we simply deport people who have no legal right to be Canada. Two people are deported from Canada every hour, on average.

Don't confuse a very open immigration policy that accepts many in large numbers, with an unregulated or unrestricted immigration policy. Part of the reason Canadians are so accepting of immigration as we are, is because the system is controlled by us and we decide who gets to come as a skilled worker, and who is actually a refugee.


koreamax t1_j7nhof3 wrote

They also get a lot of skilled workers because of the commonwealth.


Intelligent_Dance103 t1_j7orz0h wrote

> And we simply deport people who have no legal right to be Canada.

How do you do that? We over here in Europe have not found that magic yet!


huunnuuh t1_j7pki71 wrote

Living on a continent where the only land border is with the USA makes it a lot easier.

Also, the numbers are small, so techniques they can't realistically use in Europe or the USA are usable here. If they refuse to identify themselves, or refuse to go home voluntarily, and the country of origin is making deportation difficult, we just imprison people until they agree to leave. This policy has its human rights issues, but it does work.