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drpvn t1_j7ln5wm wrote

Sometimes there’s so much beauty in the world I feel like I can’t take it. Like my heart’s going to cave in.


HotPeachofSass t1_j7sqmto wrote

Breathtaking, truly... I can almost smell & feel the metaphorical tornado of ever- cycling trash of which we New Yorkers call home


BKEDDIE82 t1_j7lk0ej wrote

We don't have garbage cans on every corner either. The video shows that as well.


DrewZeiss t1_j7lrznn wrote

Word " like where am supposed to throw away my trash", smh


BKEDDIE82 t1_j7ls9hu wrote

Yesterday, I carried an empty cup six blocks before I could throw it out properly. Who in their right mind is doing that?


bkornblith t1_j7ovsng wrote

This is not a good reason to throw trash on the street. Plenty of cities doesn’t have trash containers every block and people just learn how to not be assholes.

Yes, NYC has a terrible approach to trash containers and we need a system that has closed containers that can handle the load of trash we have in this city … but the even bigger issue is that we have awful trash culture - we generate a stupid amount of excess waste, and plenty of people in this city just litter for no reason.


BKEDDIE82 t1_j7q8363 wrote

No one needs a reason to do anything. People will do whatever they feel like, especially here. I don't care about other cities. It's irrelevant for many reasons.

We will always generate a stupid amount of waste due to population alone. And when we had garbage cans on every corner, people used them. So until they put them back, I can't say people litter for no reason.


Butt_Sauce t1_j7qmh6v wrote

I’ve seen people litter right in front of a corner basket and the baskets get abused all the time. People throw away their household garbage bags and bulk items in them, making it impossible to use them as intended, for litter.

It’s a cultural issue and an excess waste issue.


BKEDDIE82 t1_j7qp57w wrote

I've seen it. But I've also seen people walk across a street to use a garbage can. Businesses as well as household garbage get tossed in those cans as well. And it is a problem.

Considering how many cultures we have in NYC, which one are you planning on blaming it on?


Butt_Sauce t1_j7qs1x4 wrote

It’s the culture of NYC, that’s what we’re talking about right? It’s not one specific group. Everyone is guilty of it to a certain extent, including myself. It’s a culture of “my your own business” and “it’s not my problem”, as well as a lack of respect.


BKEDDIE82 t1_j7qta95 wrote

In NYC, there is no singular culture. Everyone's actions here are based on a magnitude of variables. There is no longer a culture of mind your own business. As much as I miss that. It's not my problem is also no longer the norm here. A lack of respect is debatable. If you allow people to disrespect you, they will.


Butt_Sauce t1_j7qubzs wrote

It’s not about disrespecting anyone personally, it’s disrespect for the city that we all live in, and having no shame.

We could have a basket on every corner in the city and some jerkoff is still going to throw their cigarette carton on the street or dump their garbage illegally.

And if somebody challenges them on it the first words out of their mouth is mind your own business and since most people want to avoid a conflict they just keep it moving.


BKEDDIE82 t1_j7qvcpe wrote

For a city that is so transient, how do you expect people to respect it? Shame is a personality trait. Not everyone will have it.

I agree. We could have a basket, and people would still refuse to use them. But that will happen in every part of the world.

If you challenge someone in any situation, you should be prepared for conflict. There was a time when the response to anything said was, "Do you know me?" No one should feel like they have a right to speak to just anyone for any reason.


Butt_Sauce t1_j7qydbq wrote

I respectfully disagree.

In my opinion, people should have respect for wherever they go, whether they’re there for 5 minutes or 50 years. That may be idealistic but I think it’s an admirable way to live.

Every part of the world is different. And I understand this is an extreme example, but in Japan, if you are caught littering people will call you out and publicly shame you and they have the cleanest city in the world. Again I know NY will never be like that but it’s something to consider. It is cultural.

And that also applies to challenging people and not having to fear physical conflict. Nobody should be afraid to speak up against antisocial behavior that affects everyone’s quality of life. But unfortunately we don’t live in a society like that. That’s why the city is filthy, we have people shitting on subway trains and kids getting stabbed on their way home from school.

It’s a horrible way to live, in my opinion. But I’ll remain optimistic.


BKEDDIE82 t1_j7r8azt wrote

You can disagree. But I live in reality. People have no respect because of a lack of consequences. Look at Tiktok, Instagram, etc. Everyone thinks they can do whatever they want.

People aren't going to be invested in a place they are just passing thru.

Japan is basically a single culture. So, I'm not even going to entertain that comparison.

Challenging people comes with consequences. That's life. You don't have to fear physical contact. Some people do, and some people don't. But you have to realize that a random person is not a friend or family member. You aren't entitled to them being civil because you approached them.

If it's a horrible way to live, you can move elsewhere. But this is what NYC is. You can make slight improvements and hope it goes in a positive direction. And that would be opinion based as well.


Butt_Sauce t1_j7rgfco wrote

It’s all good. I’m not here to argue just sharing my opinion. I’ll be fine regardless.


BKEDDIE82 t1_j7rhqnu wrote

I get it. I really do. We are all entitled to our opinions. Unfortunately, life doesn't always agree with us. Many of the points you made, I agreed with. But we can't expect everyone to be the same.


OkMagazine1265 t1_j7n9b49 wrote

Oh, you mean the garbage cans whose contents get regularly vortexed out and flung everywhere whenever there's a gust of wind?


BKEDDIE82 t1_j7nboxw wrote

I mean the new garbage cans that are covered with a moderate hole in the top. That get emptied from the side.


Pretty_Garbage8380 t1_j7mb2q4 wrote

The old trash receptacles were those "chain-link" type metal baskets that were often chained to a pole. When the wind blew, the bag would turn inside out and all contents would swirl in the breeze.

Nowadays, when a city installs new trash receptacles, they have little shitty doors that get stuck due to being stuffed full of trash. People often dump regular trash in the recycling side of the receptacle because they do not want to touch a disgusting handle.

All this to say that, when you do request the Mayor do something about trash receptacles, make sure they buy trash cans that make logical sense.


ghostfacekhilla t1_j7q6m3k wrote

You better believe with enough consulting spend, they can find the perfect can.


ZA44 t1_j7ms9ie wrote

When the city started downscaling corner trash cans I noticed a lot more trash on the sidewalk, I’m talking small stuff like bottles and food wrappers. Those corner trash cans were usually always full even a few hours after sanitation cleared them, people used them.


IGOMHN2 t1_j7mhy1x wrote

If you don't like garbage tornados, you can go back to kentucky


baconjerky t1_j7nlgtu wrote

Did my dude just see a trash tornado for the first time?


JohnQP121 t1_j7luyt0 wrote

Anyone else gets a vibe Terminator or Warlock is about to appear in the middle of this vortex?


th3guitarman t1_j7muznd wrote

If something is a widespread problem, maybe every individual actor isn't a reprehensible human being, and the system needs addressing


jimberley t1_j7lvr1c wrote

And that’s the day I knew there was this entire life behind things, and… this incredibly benevolent force, that wanted me to know there was no reason to be afraid, ever.


mamalalatata t1_j7mblyu wrote

Right outside of Jubilee, those big tall buildings leave mountains of trash around Freedom Place


codewench t1_j7me30c wrote

Being right by the river doesn't help, the whole area seems to turn into a wind tunnel


grandzu t1_j7mbpe8 wrote

That's by design so DSNY can ticket every private property owner.


ihatethesidebar t1_j7nadgd wrote

Someone’s trying to summon a trash demon


mymindisgoo t1_j7o9p93 wrote

Currently in Indianapolis where plastic bags are still freely given out at the super markets. I have yet to see a bag floating around the street.


NMGunner17 t1_j7nczes wrote

ACP has roughly a ratio of 1 trash can for every 8 blocks


NygusTRed t1_j7nx07b wrote

No point in putting the trash in containers. The damned epidemic of wind elementals out there, living in the restaurant sheds, keep getting into everything.


Corporate_Bankster t1_j83wtfn wrote

Lmao stumbled on exactly the same thing on my way to work yesterday. My first trashnado.


pigeonsmasher t1_j7nvbrb wrote

Something went wrong here. Not the norm. Fake news.


Filmatic113 t1_j7mnkgw wrote

It’s New York baby! If you don’t like it, leave!


Ok-Strain-9847 t1_j7ndd9h wrote

That alone is the reason that Empower Cuomo banned single use plastic bags.
