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iniquities t1_j90uuff wrote

I'd honestly be happy enough if they just got this done RIGHT the first time.

They're effectively shutting down half a route to improve things for 10 days instead of doing weird service changes for half a year or more.

I'm probably being too hopeful and should expect these projects to bleed more money, shouldn't I?


ECK-2188 t1_j8zrovi wrote




WeirdWreath t1_j90wj1d wrote

Thanks you saved me a huge headache


isowater t1_j96pm9u wrote

>8 Av CBTC

Ridership is significantly lower during President's Day week compared to other weekdays. This means we can fit over an entire month of weekend work into a single ten-day period.

I'm fine with that.


kraftpunkk t1_j905r40 wrote

Didn’t the MTA release a memo before the new year about how they were going to increase weekend service? LOL


Avicii89 t1_j94bwtr wrote

**copying my reply from the crosspost to /r/nycrail

This is such a clusterfuck of changes that once again, majorly disrupts QBL service and a huge chunk of people who ride to or from Queens. Took me almost an hour to get from 63rd Drive to Midtown this afternoon, especially when you consider the already shitty weekend local train service. Seems like QBL never gets a break from major service disruptions.

Inbound E/F have to merge to R tracks at Roosevelt, with the R supposedly running every 15 minutes (more like 18-20), with the reverse situation happening when in the outbound direction. You essentially have E/F/R running local between Queens Plaza and Roosevelt, and have to hope neither of them arrive at a switch at the same time or else you're screwed.

And because there's construction on the express tracks just west of Roosevelt, ALL LINES slow to a painful 5mph between 65th St and Elmhurst Ave (including through the platforms at Roosevelt).

Whoever has to commute to work next week, god speed...and leave 20-30 minutes of extra time for these shenanigans.


Atthemetroatthegym t1_j92hplq wrote

Very good reminder! The commute was terrible this morning. The F ran on the R/M line in queens and was held at every station. At one point, it took 20 minutes to get from 33rd to Queens Plaza. I refuse to take that route home tonight, might as well take the bus.