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Double-Ad4986 t1_j7pl3w4 wrote

No it's not even close. Texas CITIES literally have a quarter of the population that nyc has & literally gets money directly from the federal government to handle the migrants. We don't. We even try & want to help them unlike tex-ass & yet they're still getting checks from the fed for what?? busses?? Texas is a fucking joke & will always be. To think otherwise is simply stupid & more republican propaganda nonsense. Yeah we aren't handling this as good as we should, but the city is struggling in general from Albany taking a good portion of our money and pooling it into delapidated areas of the state no one even cares about. If the city kept it's revenue & cut the corruption then we'd actually get somewhere


movingtobay2019 t1_j7q1nnv wrote

They get shit from the federal government. Do the actual math per migrant and tell me with a straight face that is enough.


Pillsbury_DholBoy t1_j7qjad3 wrote

>Texas literally has a quarter of the population that nyc has

What are you even talking about? Texas has 10 million more people than the entirety of New York State. How are people upvoting this?

Texas population: 30 million

New York State population: 19.7 million

New York isn’t even top 3 in population anymore.


Double-Ad4986 t1_j7qqpud wrote

i meant texas cities....i know how big the place is i literally GREW UP THERE & tx is triple the size of nys but not even close to triple the population..notice how i said nyc not nys


Pillsbury_DholBoy t1_j7qr2kg wrote

And notice how you said Texas instead of Houston, or Dallas or San Antonio lol. Texas, the state, does not have a quarter of NYC’s population


Double-Ad4986 t1_j7qrq7p wrote

because i'm not talking about one single city there....lets be honest no immigrants are going to Jasper, Texas where there's still segregation inside mcdonalds (and yes i've seen that with my own eyes)


HelllllloooooPerson t1_j7rr330 wrote

oh please...are you in your 60's? Easy as hell to anonymously say this shit, sure you pry saw it but ... 1 McDonalds with a racist employee puts a sign doesnt mean 'segregation inside' all 'Mcdonalds'...


spicytoastaficionado t1_j7rvgrj wrote

>literally gets money directly from the federal government to handle the migrants.

Federal humanitarian aid for migrants goes to nonprofits as grants, who then disperse it to local nonprofit networks.

The money doesn't go directly to the state or local governments of Texas.

It goes to large nonprofits such as United Way, CARECEN, and Catholic Charities.

Also, Texas gets the amount of migrant arrivals in a single week than NYC has gotten since last spring.

The federal aid earmarked for migrant aid doesn't come close to being enough.

Don't believe me? Just ask the democrat Mayor of El Paso who declared a state of emergency in his city of the migrant crisis just two months after he said the White House urged him not to do so.

Border states like Texas do not get reimbursed by the federal government for expenses related to long-term migrant care. NY is about to find this out.


>Texas is a fucking joke & will always be. To think otherwise is simply stupid & more republican propaganda nonsense.

Ironic for you to say this in a post where you're spreading propaganda nonsense.


xSlappy- t1_j7qavf6 wrote

Your population figures are wrong


Double-Ad4986 t1_j7qqyyh wrote

no. texas cities are literally less than half as full as nyc is & much bigger sq area wise....let alone the rest of the state thats entirely just open space


xSlappy- t1_j7qruhv wrote

Thanks for clarifying. NYC is larger than any Texas city but Texas has a huge population overall


Double-Ad4986 t1_j7qsbhv wrote

yeah but still not bigger than the cities these migrants are being bussed to. if you wanna talk individual cities lets add up the population of Chicago, NYC, DC, & Boston and compare that to the big cities of Texas and again the population rates still wouldn't even be CLOSE to the same...


New_Farmer_9186 t1_j7rdgpu wrote

Dilapidated areas of the state lol. And people say them city folk are elitist. Shyeah, right!


colourcodedcandy t1_j7pp5tt wrote

I'm absolutely not saying TX handles the crisis reasonably and they definitely need to stop sending more people elsewhere because they do get federal funding to handle this.

I'm mainly talking about people's perceptions towards immigrants changing, which is sad to see, and potentially proving republicans right when they say you will change your tune when you have migrants come to your city. I find the anger in this thread (and many others of late) to be misdirected towards the migrants than the city/government. I agree with your take in general, but I find many others are just blaming the migrants.


LoompaOompa t1_j7pzgzv wrote

At the time of my writing this, I don't see a single comment in this thread that is directing anger towards the migrants.


TopspinLob t1_j7qn3bo wrote

You don’t need to be anti-migrant to also look at the logistics of providing affordable housing, employment, public social services, and social assimilation to people who arrive at rates faster than all of this can be accomplished.


colourcodedcandy t1_j7u9amy wrote

That's the city's problem - perhaps the city needs to stop calling other parts of the country inhumane for sending migrants to NYC and then following it up by bussing them to Canada. I'm not saying NYC has the resources to deal with it or whatever, but this is deeply hypocritical