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Distancefrom t1_j8zl0c2 wrote

Sounds like NYC isn't right for you. Random comments from strangers are pretty much to be expected here (or in any densely populated city).

I hope Spain works out for your family.


iStealyournewspapers t1_j8znxst wrote

Totally. Just last night I was walking home and some heavyset woman in her 30s or 40s sees me as I walk by and goes “oh my god.”… “OH MY FUCKING GOD!”

This was totally directed at my for god knows what reason and it was really fucking weird, but I just ignored her and kept walking. She left me alone. That’s basically all you have to do.

My guess is she was mentally ill, or maybe she incorrectly thought I was a celebrity or someone she knew.


Ab2us t1_j8zl5db wrote

It's okay for random comments as long they are not aggressive. It's another level.


iStealyournewspapers t1_j8zo3te wrote

Maybe be more subtle when you try to look at people. It sounds like he saw you turn to look while you were still in his field of vision. You always wanna have the appearance that you’re minding your own business, even if you’re sneaking a look.


Ab2us t1_j8zpkl0 wrote

I understand and I do mind my own business. It's just when you are with a baby it's a different dynamics.


iStealyournewspapers t1_j8zppsi wrote

I’m a dad and have been with a baby while weird shit is going on. You just pretend to ignore and you move on.