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SK10504 t1_j8zkfxx wrote

in envy you. wish we could move and work remotely from spain too. great food and very affordable too.


Distancefrom t1_j8zl0c2 wrote

Sounds like NYC isn't right for you. Random comments from strangers are pretty much to be expected here (or in any densely populated city).

I hope Spain works out for your family.


Ab2us t1_j8zl0s2 wrote

I will be in Alicante. I'm going next month to get things done inquiring about residency and probably buying a house there. It's much cheaper.


Weekly_Drawer_7000 t1_j8zl8pc wrote


  1. If you’re scared all the time, I’m sorry, but that’s a you problem. When was the last time a crime was committed against you? I don’t mean to minimize an experience that you may have had, if you’ve had one, but if you haven’t, come on.

Also since when is a dude with a hood up in winter suspicious? What did you leave out

  1. I will admit its a little funny that he also looked back and was able to catch you looking back. Maybe he thought /you/ were suspicious

You got called out on your racism by another New Yorker.


Menacing_Quokka t1_j8zmjxy wrote

>this guy wearing a hood walked by, it made me a little bit suspicious

Good call, he could have been an assassin and definitely not someone walking by who felt creeped out by someone staring at him.


smallint t1_j8zmqeq wrote

I think you could’ve just not looked at him. You should’ve acknowledged, but no reason to look back bruh. It might actually make him suspicious of you.

But I get it.. with a child it’s different. Not sure how Reddit can help you though 🤷‍♂️


Suitable-Peanut t1_j8zmst3 wrote

"Bitcoin bro gets scared by black man in a crowded park in the middle of the day and flees to Spain"

Fascinating stuff here


FantasticKey5486 t1_j8zn31j wrote

>I don't have to live in fear and every time checking citizen app to see if something happening close to me

Checking/having the citizens app will definitely have you living in fear, no matter where you live.

Should you end up moving to Spain, definitely don't use citizens app when there either. It's a horrible app IMO, especially if you tend towards anxiety/fearfulness.

Obviously, some places have more crime etc than others, but the reality is that there is crime everywhere in the world. Wasn't Madeline McCann, the little girl, abducted in Spain? Or was it Portugal? Google tells me Portugal. Either way, I'm pretty sure her parents were not expecting that when they went there. 🤷🏾‍♀️

And I can say as a Brit (born and raised, but long time NYC dweller), there are plenty of unsavory English people in Alicante and the south of spain. It's literally the place where English criminals go to hide, or at least they did before Brexit lol. We used to call it Costa del Crime.

Check this out:

I feel you though - NY isn't for everyone - good luck!


Illustrious-Mind9435 t1_j8zni76 wrote

I'd be interested in seeing the violent crime rate between NYC and Granada Andalusia. I assume Granada Andalusia is safer, but would be surprised if it was substantially different.

Also, as a side note: I notice a lot of people don't make great use of their peripheral vision. I have a few friends that react by looking directly at someone making a scene (or just acting sus) and I think that is something unhinged people love to latch on to.


iStealyournewspapers t1_j8znxst wrote

Totally. Just last night I was walking home and some heavyset woman in her 30s or 40s sees me as I walk by and goes “oh my god.”… “OH MY FUCKING GOD!”

This was totally directed at my for god knows what reason and it was really fucking weird, but I just ignored her and kept walking. She left me alone. That’s basically all you have to do.

My guess is she was mentally ill, or maybe she incorrectly thought I was a celebrity or someone she knew.


iStealyournewspapers t1_j8zo3te wrote

Maybe be more subtle when you try to look at people. It sounds like he saw you turn to look while you were still in his field of vision. You always wanna have the appearance that you’re minding your own business, even if you’re sneaking a look.


memestraighttomoon t1_j8zpwbx wrote

The citizen app is garbage. Makes a profit off of fear mongering. This is a densely populated place, of course there is going to be at least some crime near you. Ironically, the only time anyone tried to pick-pocket me was in Spain. That said, I hope you have a better time adjusting to Spain than NYC. To each their own.


Ab2us t1_j8zpxff wrote

It didn't even snow so stop making it it's like it's a real winter lol


RaffishPaddy t1_j8zqecq wrote

I'm afraid you'll find there are people in Spain, also.

But best o' luck.

And delete that app.


virtual_adam t1_j8zr3da wrote

So literally nothing bad happened to you except a New Yorker told you to F off. Why did you move here to begin with? Because absolutely no way you grew up here


_Maxolotl t1_j8zrd76 wrote

Practica conmigo.
Hola, soy Kyle y esta es mi esposa, Karen. ¿Podemos hablar con el gerente?


pandaexpress205 t1_j8zsg4s wrote

There are many reasons why the guy got angry. Its imbedded in all or most born and raised NY’s to not want others in our business. You invaded his bubble by staring at the person. You literally gotta walk anywhere like no one exists lol. Where in BK was this if you don’t mind me asking?