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dust1990 t1_ja17fwq wrote

I’m sure the salary going from $210,000 to $1 on order from the Conflicts of Interest Board had nothing to do with his decision.


[deleted] t1_ja33hal wrote



froggythefish t1_ja3bfz4 wrote

Government workers should be working for the people… not for money


WagwanDeezNutz t1_ja3d2us wrote

Are you saying government workers should be working for free - no pay, no benefits, no retirement plan?


froggythefish t1_ja3iaaa wrote

Yes, lol. They should be given the same welfare that every other citizen has.

This means that to get a better living quality for themselves, they need to help society as a whole.


WagwanDeezNutz t1_ja3mxf6 wrote

do you apply vaseline around your mouthe when you're done huffing industrial solvents for the day or just let the sores heal naturally


jrook777 t1_ja47pps wrote

Nice try in trying to deflect the corrupt nepotism


[deleted] t1_ja3wlqi wrote



froggythefish t1_ja3z5xa wrote

Another word for government worker is public servant. Their purpose is not to serve themselves, it’s to serve the public. The minute you introduce pay to the equation the goal is no longer to serve but to profit.

Look at doctors, in nations with universal healthcare doctors use tried and true methods, known to be reliable. In Cuba doctors get paid relatively little and have to sacrifice a lot, this is why Cuba has some of the best healthcare on earth. In the US, where healthcare is not universal, doctors use experimental untrustworthy inefficient methods, which cost more, because the doctors goal is not to help but to make the most money.

A government worker should be treated the same as our most vulnerable, the poorest. If the poorest are suffering, the government worker is not doing their job, and should suffer as they are not doing their job. If the poorest are comfortable and healthy, the government worker is doing a good job, and should be rewarded with comfort and health. This is pretty basic.

Once you introduce pay their goal is no longer to help the people, but to do so in new experimental inefficient expensive ways, to funnel the most money into their pockets. If they wouldn’t work without pay, they shouldn’t be trusted to help others as clearly that’s not their goal.

This is incredibly basic. Get over the money-is-everything philosophy this genocidal corrupt nation has taught you.


whodattguy t1_ja3zwfl wrote

Servants get paid. Pay me $1,000,000 and I’ll serve you too.

You’re thinking of Slaves, not servants.

This is a free market. If the government wants servants they can compete for talent just like private businesses.

I’m not a fan of the mayor or the brother being in that position but public servants get paid. Suggestion to the contrary is crazy.


froggythefish t1_ja40oj0 wrote

The government is not a company.

I told you to stop thinking like this, this philosophy just drives you deeper and deeper into this silly rabbit hole. Economy class lied, sorry. Read a book. I recommend kropotkins conquest of bread. This isn’t an insult of intelligence, you were just miseducated. Reeducate yourself, stop wasting a perfectly good brain on such silly beliefs.

The government is a slave to the people. That’s not communist thinking, even locke agreed. The government only exists if the people say it does and allow it to do so and are satisfied with it. The governments job is not to profit or make money or be rewarded, it is to serve the people, only then will it be rewarded at the discretion of the people.

If the government doesn’t want to be a slave to the people, that’s authoritarianism, and the government may as well be abolished if it does not serve the people above all else.


whodattguy t1_ja41woc wrote

Government does the people’s will. Government employs individuals to do the will of the people. That doesn’t mean that those that work for government don’t get paid.

You get paid to do the will of the people. If you don’t want to pay government workers then purchase robots and AI to do that work for us. People get compensated. Period.


froggythefish t1_ja42jml wrote

The government isn’t serving the peoples will, clearly.

There are homeless on the street, is that your will? People can’t afford food and clothing and healthcare, is that your will? The average person is spending like half the money they take home on just rent, is that your will? There are drugs on the street, is that your will? Little kids can’t eat, and go to schools filled with violence and bullying, is that your will?

To ensure that the government serves the peoples will, the government workers should be rewarded with the same quality of life they give the most vulnerable. If the most vulnerable are suffering, the government did not serve the peoples will to reduce suffering, and so they are not rewarded. If the most vulnerable are comfortable, the government served the peoples will to reduce suffering, and so the government is rewarded with comfort.


Rottimer t1_ja4sh0s wrote

Something tells me that you've never been to Cuba. Most Cuban doctors either sign up for the Cuban government to send them overseas where they can make more money, or they leave and go overseas themselves to send back money to their families. You've got a warped view of the world and should probably get out, get a job, see it for yourself.


froggythefish t1_ja4tqz0 wrote

Source needed

Cuba does indeed send doctors overseas! The fact this tiny sanctioned island nation recovering from decades of slavery which has been invaded by the US, can still have enough healthcare to provide medical aid to other nations, shows just how good this system is.

Cuba has the most doctors per person and by quite a bit. The US however, has less doctors per person than North Korea and Mexico… yikes.


idratherbeintamriel t1_ja04ubm wrote

I hate these stupid bald fucks


Effeted t1_ja0dp0b wrote

I have a full head of hair but the bald part seems unnecessary lol


Fingers_For_Toes666 t1_ja0impt wrote

Well, I think if he said the other identifying feature it would be racist.

Edit: Issa joke people, yeesh.


casanovaelrey t1_ja0katz wrote

LMFAO that's hilarious. These guys are the freaking worst. How does everyone hate you. The Democrats see you for the Republican that you are and the Republicans hate you because you won't go full R. And everyone hates you because you're incompetent as fuck.


iv2892 t1_ja0uuf0 wrote

Bald men are a protected class in case you didn’t know . So I don’t think is appropriate to curse him based on his baldness lol


Menacing_Quokka t1_ja0gb0s wrote

Every time I see a bald boy it's like being sewed up in that balloon.


squall571 t1_j9znfm0 wrote

Cool, where can I apply?


StuntMedic t1_ja0rb1f wrote

Hah, seems like he bailed out when it was politically prudent to do so after finding out he won't be making money from the position.


DimensionOld5969 t1_ja1hr8n wrote

Doing nothing must have been difficult


astoriaboundagain t1_ja30pfh wrote

I had the pleasure of interacting with him in his role. If he sat at home and did nothing it would've been better. Instead he was actively ignorant. An event was planned, security was in place, and this guy would storm in and do it "his way", which was objectively stupid. Full broadcast corrupt incompetence.


haydennt t1_ja1kztb wrote

The irony of this statement is that it makes no sense for him to leave if he was actually doing nothing.


DimensionOld5969 t1_ja1mxy7 wrote

That's how useless and lazy he is.


haydennt t1_ja1nl33 wrote

He’s so “useless and lazy” that he is resigning from his no-work free money job?

Believe me, I’m not crazy about the guy either, but this criticism is the one that feels lazy/just doesn’t really make sense.


woodcider t1_ja28ca1 wrote

The Conflict of Interests board knocked his salary down to $1. He wasn’t going to not work for that kind of money.


The_Question757 t1_ja1nv4t wrote

His brother gets enough heat as it is and the mayor probably said to step down to lower the pressure. I'm sure he'll place him somewhere quieter but still paid


DimensionOld5969 t1_ja1tghz wrote

Maybe your on his side then. You think he had heart in that job when he's obviously freeloading off his brother. He belongs back on the front lawn lifting weights and drinking 40's.


suitcase88 t1_ja02fcg wrote

"Adviser"? Maybe it was a no show job.


TheSheikYerbouti t1_ja176of wrote

As much as I don’t want to give him credit, I’ve seen him around with the mayor a lot in the last year.


[deleted] t1_ja2yz3p wrote



TheSheikYerbouti t1_ja31xvq wrote

Oh yeah, I hear you. I’d see him walking around with the ear piece pretending to be a secret service agent. Him and a couple other guys doing “security.”


shant_jan t1_ja0uap5 wrote

i was hoping this was because of a pending investigation but legit staying out all night every night with the mayor sounds absolutely exhausting

then again, still could be a yet to be public investigation.


VeloEvoque t1_ja2jw7n wrote

No fucks about ethics? Consider optics. This was so achingly ludicrous from the start. Just fucking astounding.


Crackerpuppy t1_ja1vkqz wrote

Great! Now can he return the money he didn’t earn by not doing his job?


mowotlarx t1_ja2xtm1 wrote

Dude was a parking lot security attendant in Virginia before his brother promised him a $200k security job in the NYPD. Then they got called out by the press and he had to eat crow and take. $1 salary. I'm guessing whatever $ his brother was throwing at him with his old NYPD pension wasn't cutting it.


flying_bacon t1_ja324ja wrote

When "Eric Adams stepping down as mayor"?


nycjacq t1_ja0fn2q wrote



jafropuff t1_ja1ui7h wrote

I feel like a deal was made between the two brothers. He served a year to the T. Wouldn't be surprised to find him in a better position at a better-paying university in a few months from now.


_Maxolotl t1_ja3bm7b wrote

nobody wants to work anymore!


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SumyungNam t1_ja2tiiq wrote

He should've kept the job for the title and get a gig somewhere else after