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SolutionRelative4586 OP t1_j7s25rh wrote

To be clear, this guy is not saying it because he wants to see the pictures.

He actually doesn't believe it's a problem.

Just ridiculous to pretend this is not an issue. Anyone who has set foot in NYC in the last 5 years knows this is a big problem.


Sumpm t1_j7u1bb6 wrote

Does he not realize that people are defacing or faking their plates, in order to avoid penalties related to their behavior? Is he really that stupid, or just pretending to be?


spicytoastaficionado t1_j7ucvxa wrote

There's no way he's so obtuse to think all these defaced plates are not intentional.

I know that is what his "we'll send out free replacements" solution is tantamount to, but he can't be this dumb.

And from the article:

>“It’s bizarre that NYS DOT is so clueless on this, especially when they can make so much money from it,” said David Thom after viewing the exchange between Gallagher and Schroeder on YouTube. “Go to any other jurisdiction and there is zero tolerance for the kind of paper and defaced /obscured plates that you see everywhere in NY State.”

This is where my conspiracy brain kicks in and makes me think lack of enforcement is due to the amount of government employees engaging in this intentional abuse.

The state can make SO.MUCH.MONEY fining the shit out of people who intentionally obscure or deface their plates, and the state has never been one to shy away from fining people for anything and everything under the why is there such an enforcement black hole to this goldmine of revenue?


SolutionRelative4586 OP t1_j7uhw0m wrote

Same thing with parking violations on fake or handwritten placards.

I'm convinced you could nearly fund the city by writing tickets on all fake placards and hand-written bullshit I see in dashboards of illegally parked cars. And yet you never see a single ticket. Funny.


spicytoastaficionado t1_j7v33yv wrote

And these are not crimes of addiction or poverty, so you won't get the PR backlash from activists or the media if you enforced placard abuse and plate obstruction.

So....what the fuck is stopping enforcement?

The state loves money and loves fines. Vehicle violations like tinted windows that block 31% of light are incessantly enforced.

Yet this gets a pass????


mowotlarx t1_j7u6kel wrote

All you have to do is walk around the 2-3 block radius surrounding your local police precinct and you'll get plenty of pictures to send over. I see these everywhere, especially the covers that obscure the plate from certain angles.


clorox2 t1_j7sf02r wrote

What’s his contact info? Let’s do this.

Edit: I sent him one. No response. Anyone else get a reply?


SolutionRelative4586 OP t1_j7sf64k wrote

Mark Schroeder

Acting Commissioner

New York State Department Of Motor Vehicles

6 Empire State Plaza

Albany, NY, 12228


thing01 t1_j7stxjb wrote

I sent him the only plate pic I had in my phone, but I’ll be on the lookout for more.


LurkerTroll t1_j7t7t1h wrote

Since you went through the effort to post this, I'll be sure to send some pictures his way


panic_kernel_panic t1_j7sykxa wrote

Lol. What a clown, this guy deserves the malicious compliance coming his way


mnyc86 t1_j7t2ui8 wrote

This guys glasses are so thick he wouldn’t be able to see a defaced plate at the optometrist


eekamuse t1_j7xnprr wrote

There are picture all over the internets of those licenses. I might do a search and send him a nice collection.