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smallint t1_ja1lxks wrote

You don’t want a recycled number. Trust me


Jferraro819 t1_ja38day wrote

If they care enough about what their phone number looks like they deserve what’s coming to them


Own_Decision_4063 t1_ja1oxz1 wrote

Where's Elaine? Think that there was a Seinfeld episode when she changed phone numbers and was given the new area code freaking out that it wasn't a 212 number.


damnatio_memoriae t1_ja69ok7 wrote

yeah they gave Elaine a 646 and then she ended up getting a new 212 from her elderly neighbor when she died. Then the calls from the grandson who didn't know she died started coming in so she faked her death to make the kid stop calling lol.


961402 t1_ja303wo wrote

"I practiced ordering a BEC in the mirror for an hour a day until I got it perfect. I learned to say 'on line' instead of 'in line.' And now with this, no one will ever ask where I'm from again"


mari-trees t1_ja576g1 wrote

Crazy, never realized "on line" was a NY thing until I left


remutedfault t1_ja21em8 wrote

I assume anyone with a 212 cell phone number who isn’t above 60 is a poser 🤷🏻‍♂️


AllMightAb t1_ja26b03 wrote

I got mine by random when i bought my number from Mint Mobile lol


c0bl3r t1_ja4imjj wrote

Have a 212 cell for almost 15 years. I am far less than 60.


RyzinEnagy t1_ja5kt34 wrote

My sister got assigned a 212 number on her cell upon turning 18 in 2006.


NYislanders43 t1_ja2x0e5 wrote

I have a 212 number for a decade now. I am getting lots of calls from a 215 area numbers bcz there is a hospital in PA that has a similar number as mine except for the area code. You wont believe how many people dial 212 by mistake instead of 215. I decline all 215 numbers with an auto reply text informing them to dial the correct hospital number.


_Faucheuse_ t1_ja39eh5 wrote

I'll stick to 718. Been good to me the last 15 or 16 years.


superduder1 t1_ja4k2eq wrote

Hipsters will talk about “late stage capitalism” all day then buy a 212 number


RainbowCrown71 t1_ja2hm95 wrote

I wound up taking a risk with a USMobile free trial and got…646 FML

Just went ahead and bought one for $10 at NumberBarn though.


proudbakunkinman t1_ja3v36w wrote

> NumberBarn

Just checked and it looks like they only rent them (212s) out at lower prices, if you want to buy one, they're in the thousands. And the monthly fees aren't cheap, most are $40-$100 / month.


D14DFF0B t1_ja40s3i wrote

You can buy one outright for $150.


mad_king_soup t1_ja4h5fv wrote

I bought one from there years ago, think it cost about $80? I used to use it for business, I've got it attached to a Google Voice line that just forwards to my cellphone. Doesn't cost me anything, I'm just sitting on it in case it comes in useful one day.


RainbowCrown71 t1_ja46usa wrote

No, you have to dig a little bit but I bought one for $9.95 since the search function is made to sell you the exclusive ones.

It was $9.95 + $2 to port it away. There were about 100+ numbers at that price range. If you want to keep it at numberbarn, then yes you are renting it.

Type 212, then in filters put “Get It Now” and sort by price and a lot should come up.


tinydancer_inurhand t1_ja56q59 wrote

My roommate got lucky and got a 212 for like 50 back in like 2014. It was cause he runs a business and wanted the 212 but he probs wouldn’t have paid more than 100 for it.


Marcel0129 t1_ja87ksu wrote

Why do people care what their phone number is lol get a life.


swampy13 t1_jad803k wrote

I did the switch. As much as a recycled number might bring baggage with it, I already had that. I'm petty, I want the optics of a 212.


ThisGuyRightHer3 t1_ja0ruml wrote

"oh wow 212? that's so hot / in." said no native new Yorker ever.. only dumb transplants think this is cool to have / care about


bklyn1977 t1_ja11bvu wrote

Ill admit I was cranky when I switched from a 718 to a 347. Now I don't even know anyone's number anymore.