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murgurdurth t1_j7v4mjd wrote

I went to the local station to turn in a nice DSLR camera I found on a park bench. Clearly lost, it was next to me for over an hour. The guy behind the desk couldn't be bothered to do the paperwork until I insisted but not before he was like "bro I would have just kept it if I was you"


goodiereddits t1_j7va98i wrote

When second-nature civil asset forfeiture matures to first-nature thievery.


SolutionRelative4586 t1_j7vcjr7 wrote

Or maybe that's just the kind of person that becomes a police officer these days....


Lima_Bean_Jean t1_j7xdg5n wrote

High school graduates who get six months of training.


CaroleBaskinsBurner t1_j80lk4y wrote

Believe it or not, you actually have to have at least 60 college credits to become an NYPD officer (unless you're ex-military). So most cops you see around have gotten at least halfway to a bachelor's degree.

Which probably says a lot about higher education in this country.


QueenOfKarnaca t1_j8088qm wrote

Bro I thought it was bad when lost and found on a college campus told me to keep some beats I found… yikes!


Crimsonwolf1445 t1_j84ooj5 wrote

Found property with no listed owner will sit in a warehouse forgotten for decades. It will never get back to its true owner. Dont know why he was being such a dick about a voucher though. Its not that much work