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sirzoop t1_j7v84wc wrote

Might as well just buy a bike instead of using citibike then. Costs way less than $1200


whateverisok t1_j7vi1hu wrote

Eh, it's the convenience. Your $200-$300 bike (talking super, super cheap prices) is as likely to get stolen as your Citibike.

You'd have to carry around a lock as well and even then, some part of your bike (ie.: a tire) might get stolen.

Dogs love to pee by wherever you park it outside and they're a bit of a hassle to bring into an apartment building (especially if you have to do stairs) - you're constantly worried about dinging walls (including in your room) and it also takes up a decent amount of space


hosswanker t1_j7vkl9n wrote

I have a bike and still use citibike for some trips. As do most people I know who own bikes

Edit: and none of us would ever leave that citibike unattended.....


oreosfly t1_j7w54dx wrote

Citi Bikes are NOT worth $1200. They’re junk bikes worth a few hundred at most. I’m pretty sure the only reason why they’re appraised at that value is because it’ll be a felony if you’re caught stealing them.


whateverisok t1_j7x8hw2 wrote

I don't agree that they're worth $1200, but I could see some understandable claim as to why they're worth that much: technology with the locking, ease of use for every bike rider regarding adjustments and gears, and most importantly, made of the material to weather the outdoors 365/24/7.

They're bikes designed for all-weather purposes, beginners, and expected to get a complete wear down or hit on the ground multiple times.

A $300 bike isn't going to live up to that or if it does, it'll need to replaced very often


karmapuhlease t1_j7w65tk wrote

Well, if you're responsible you'll never have to pay for a stolen Citibike because you'll never leave it unattended...


EdgeOrnery6679 t1_j7wo3km wrote

Citibike is cheaper if you dont have any space to keep a bike indoors. In this city your bike will get stolen or have its parts stripped.