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Cascando-5273 t1_ja4ym8p wrote

My dad was an administrator at Montefiore back in the old, old days, long before administrators got the mega salaries they get nowadays. He was an old-school socialist - started a bunch of free clinics across the Bronx and organized the first hospital at Rikers. He was instrumental in helping 1199 start at Montefiore (late 1950s).

He ended up getting fired because the board wanted to move to the sort of semi for-profit/HMO model in vogue the past few decades.

He would be happy to see this. Indeed, he'd probably have let them use his office to organize on the down low.

I'm a chip off the old block, so --> ❤️


hereditydrift t1_ja8089u wrote

People like your father are inspirations to me. I have loved learning about some of the activists from the 50s and 60s that were pushing to uplift their communities. The push for community building, unionization, and uplifting the working class that was present in the US during the late 1800s and early/mid-1900s ran deep -- but has largely been ignored as a part of US history. Speeches by Fred Hampton and other leaders during the 50s/60s still bring me hope of what our cities can become.


Governor_Abbot t1_ja5gqc6 wrote

I can’t wait for the people of New York to unionize. It would be amazing to see every New Yorker skip out on paying rent for a few years. For the utility work to give it to the people for cheap and charge the corporations more. Where every New York goes, so does the country.


dorgsmack t1_ja82omc wrote

“Where every New York goes, so does the country.”

This is so hilariously out of touch. New York is behind on most things besides maybe public transport and even that costs the state/city way too much. New York is a great example of how public sector unions without a strong government actor to tame them can ruin a city.


[deleted] t1_ja5m457 wrote



Governor_Abbot t1_ja5nj6g wrote

What? Lol I want to see the people of New York unionize at every level. It would literally change the world.


Cascando-5273 t1_ja6cd5h wrote

Perhaps I misunderstood, considering your handle.


Governor_Abbot t1_ja7o8hs wrote

Sometimes I like to mess around in the Texas subreddit with this account lol