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WorthPrudent3028 t1_j7xjtd7 wrote

$4.9 billion NYPD budget increase on its way. Or make it a cool 10 and cut 5.1 billion more from schools and other things.


Grass8989 t1_j7xtzqz wrote

Source on $5.1 billion being cut from the DoE budget and “other things” and being given to the NYPD?

Edit: if someone downvoting would like to actually give figures on the DoE being defunded that would be cool.


spicytoastaficionado t1_j7y0h5y wrote

$5b is not being cut from the DOE budget.

YOY, the DOE budget went from $31.2b in FY23 to $30.7 billion in FY24.

NYPD's budget proposal is $5.4 billion in FY24 compared to $5.6 billion in FY23.

Both budgets are lower in FY24.


Grass8989 t1_j7ynyp0 wrote

Not to mention that enrollment in the DoE has declined nearly 10% since 2020, but that doesn’t fit a certain narrative either. It’s easier to just spew nonsense to get upvotes on Reddit than than actually look at the facts.


WorthPrudent3028 t1_j7y5mak wrote

Maybe you should stick to watching episodes of Ow My Balls.


Grass8989 t1_j7yo4vs wrote

How about you look at the facts. Enrollment in the DoE has declined nearly 10% since 2020 and the budget has essentially stayed static. This is with us already spending, by far, the most per student of any education system in the country. The DoE is not getting “defunded”, and it’s a false narrative to imply that it is.


WorthPrudent3028 t1_j7yyik1 wrote

Who said it was getting defunded? Which school taught you reading comprehension? Go back and attempt to read the post for which you asked for a source.


Grass8989 t1_j7yzp5j wrote


“$4.9 billion NYPD budget increase on its way. Or make it a cool 10 and cut 5.1 billion more from schools and other things.”




WorthPrudent3028 t1_j7z1oeo wrote

You don't even know how to quote someone out of context correctly. Even your idol, the NY Post, knows that you can't put outright fabrications inside quotation marks when cutting a quote short. "and" not "or."

Here's the real implication. You're entirely disingenuous.


Grass8989 t1_j7z31kt wrote

You’re the only disingenuously implying that Adams cut billions from the DoE which is not that case. I’ll put your entire quote tho.


WorthPrudent3028 t1_j7z4g9a wrote

I didn't imply anything. I made a joke about him raising NYPD funding.

Your problem is that you're a bootlicker. I hope you at least work for the NYPD PR department with all that shoe polish you ingest.

You also don't give a shit about NYC public schools or the children that attend them. Having any type of discussion with you on that matter is pointless.
