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Medianmodeactivate t1_j7yn98l wrote

Restore subway stations. More subway cars. It's insane that at any point someone is waiting 20 minutes for a train


Petekachu t1_j7zi2ko wrote

The city doesn't control the subways. They are supposed to contribute to the MTA budget, but Adams says the city can't afford the 500 million the state is asking for.


chug84 t1_j85mbx9 wrote

> Restore subway stations.

Screw that, city needs to start paying it's employees better.


Medianmodeactivate t1_j85nw8x wrote

Screw that. Fix the stations.


chug84 t1_j85p4q4 wrote

So screw employees that are vastly underpaid, such as EMS? The MTA has money. Not our problem they can't manage it properly.


Medianmodeactivate t1_j861ejn wrote

>So screw employees that are vastly underpaid, such as EMS? The MTA has money. Not our problem they can't manage it properly.

What the MTA doesn't have is a world class transportation service. Fix that first by reaching 6 minute frequency, renovating the stations so that the walls are in place and that there's rapid transit bus lanes throughout the city on almost any street that can handle it.


chug84 t1_j863hw0 wrote

And fuck the people, like EMS workers that we ALL rely on. Gotcha.