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Buddynorris t1_j7xh7lj wrote

The city owes a ludicrous amount of money to unions city wide, which are out of contract, some of which for many years. So yea i assume this will dry up fast.


Pbpopcorn t1_j7z03kl wrote

I was just going to say, where’s my raise?! We’ve been due for one a few years now. I hope the unions negotiate well. We’ve already been screwed for our health insurance and with inflation they better give us something better than a pathetic 1-2%. We’re underpaid as it is and now that our insurance is going to get scrapped for medicare advantage when we retire there’s hardly any incentive to stay.


AmericanCreamer t1_j7z0glf wrote

If you don’t mind me asking, what do you do and what’s your salary?


Pbpopcorn t1_j7z0lms wrote

I’m going to keep it vague for privacy but I work in healthcare and I make about 10% less than my peers at private hospitals. Not to mention I don’t qualify for the healthcare bonus because of my title -my peers who do the same exact job with a non-bureaucratic title do though


thecentury t1_j7zdv7x wrote

They were SO ready to pounce on you if you said you were in the PBA...


AmericanCreamer t1_j7zkydb wrote

Thanks for sharing. I only ask because I hear inconsistent stories of public employees. Some are paid very well where others make nothing


Crimsonwolf1445 t1_j80wg6f wrote

Not all public jobs are union. The union ones are normally the ones with the pay issues


Radun t1_j84m9sa wrote

Why work for a public hospital, go private always make more money


Knees_Too_Sharp t1_j83u0my wrote

You trade job security for lower income when you work for the government. You should never make the same as they do in private industry.


ohgodimnotgoodatthis t1_j80542m wrote

I’m not going to be shocked when it’s less than the increases for rent stabilized apartments.


Pbpopcorn t1_j805h4e wrote

Me too. I expect it to be 1.25% like the article said the city has already budgeted for and nothing more. I expect the city to use the surplus on other things instead.


goodguyfdny t1_j80olzh wrote

Maybe it can start paying EMS so members don't have to go homeless in the city they serve after the pandemic.


Suorc0 t1_j85jyg3 wrote

Lol unions and defined benifit pension plans are what bankrupted the city in the 70s and has threatened financial stability since then


Buddynorris t1_j85y8bg wrote

some jobs simply won't have close to the required applicants without them, really all it comes down to.


d2d2d2d2d2 t1_j866o74 wrote

Please read "Fear City" by Kim Phillips-Fein. Your understanding of the causes of the 70s fiscal emergency is quite flawed.


donttouchthirdrail t1_j7xir1n wrote

It’s incredible how much people will mouth off about things they don’t know anything about and don’t make sense after 3 seconds of examination


ZeroFucksToGive t1_j7xceyx wrote

Too bad we have a corrupt mayor who will probably find a way to give it to his crony friends


brooklynlad t1_j7ych99 wrote

More $100,000+ increase in salary to qualified crony friends you say?


WorthPrudent3028 t1_j7xjtd7 wrote

$4.9 billion NYPD budget increase on its way. Or make it a cool 10 and cut 5.1 billion more from schools and other things.


Grass8989 t1_j7xtzqz wrote

Source on $5.1 billion being cut from the DoE budget and “other things” and being given to the NYPD?

Edit: if someone downvoting would like to actually give figures on the DoE being defunded that would be cool.


spicytoastaficionado t1_j7y0h5y wrote

$5b is not being cut from the DOE budget.

YOY, the DOE budget went from $31.2b in FY23 to $30.7 billion in FY24.

NYPD's budget proposal is $5.4 billion in FY24 compared to $5.6 billion in FY23.

Both budgets are lower in FY24.


Grass8989 t1_j7ynyp0 wrote

Not to mention that enrollment in the DoE has declined nearly 10% since 2020, but that doesn’t fit a certain narrative either. It’s easier to just spew nonsense to get upvotes on Reddit than than actually look at the facts.


WorthPrudent3028 t1_j7y5mak wrote

Maybe you should stick to watching episodes of Ow My Balls.


Grass8989 t1_j7yo4vs wrote

How about you look at the facts. Enrollment in the DoE has declined nearly 10% since 2020 and the budget has essentially stayed static. This is with us already spending, by far, the most per student of any education system in the country. The DoE is not getting “defunded”, and it’s a false narrative to imply that it is.


WorthPrudent3028 t1_j7yyik1 wrote

Who said it was getting defunded? Which school taught you reading comprehension? Go back and attempt to read the post for which you asked for a source.


Grass8989 t1_j7yzp5j wrote


“$4.9 billion NYPD budget increase on its way. Or make it a cool 10 and cut 5.1 billion more from schools and other things.”




WorthPrudent3028 t1_j7z1oeo wrote

You don't even know how to quote someone out of context correctly. Even your idol, the NY Post, knows that you can't put outright fabrications inside quotation marks when cutting a quote short. "and" not "or."

Here's the real implication. You're entirely disingenuous.


Grass8989 t1_j7z31kt wrote

You’re the only disingenuously implying that Adams cut billions from the DoE which is not that case. I’ll put your entire quote tho.


WorthPrudent3028 t1_j7z4g9a wrote

I didn't imply anything. I made a joke about him raising NYPD funding.

Your problem is that you're a bootlicker. I hope you at least work for the NYPD PR department with all that shoe polish you ingest.

You also don't give a shit about NYC public schools or the children that attend them. Having any type of discussion with you on that matter is pointless.


Medianmodeactivate t1_j7yn98l wrote

Restore subway stations. More subway cars. It's insane that at any point someone is waiting 20 minutes for a train


Petekachu t1_j7zi2ko wrote

The city doesn't control the subways. They are supposed to contribute to the MTA budget, but Adams says the city can't afford the 500 million the state is asking for.


chug84 t1_j85mbx9 wrote

> Restore subway stations.

Screw that, city needs to start paying it's employees better.


Medianmodeactivate t1_j85nw8x wrote

Screw that. Fix the stations.


chug84 t1_j85p4q4 wrote

So screw employees that are vastly underpaid, such as EMS? The MTA has money. Not our problem they can't manage it properly.


Medianmodeactivate t1_j861ejn wrote

>So screw employees that are vastly underpaid, such as EMS? The MTA has money. Not our problem they can't manage it properly.

What the MTA doesn't have is a world class transportation service. Fix that first by reaching 6 minute frequency, renovating the stations so that the walls are in place and that there's rapid transit bus lanes throughout the city on almost any street that can handle it.


chug84 t1_j863hw0 wrote

And fuck the people, like EMS workers that we ALL rely on. Gotcha.


dust1990 t1_j7xz0qr wrote

Tax cut would be nice.


Soporific88 t1_j7zeowp wrote

Sure tax cuts for the rich and billionaires building stadiums


dust1990 t1_j7zryv1 wrote

Agree with you public shouldn't subsidize professional sports stadiums.

But NYC's tax rates are too high and driving away the wealthy, who generate the most tax revenue that pay for services. If all of the rich people domicile in FL, there won't be any money for services. You can't sock it to the rich with high state taxes when they have other cheaper alternatives. It's Econ 101. Dems need to stop being so emotional about this and make NYC tax rates competitive. It will grow the pie for everyone.


Rottimer t1_j82fsmf wrote

>But NYC's tax rates are too high and driving away the wealthy

I've been waiting for 40 years for this to happen. Instead we now have the most Billionaire residents of any city in the world. Not just the U.S., but the fucking world. Maybe, just maybe your thinking is flawed on this issue.


dust1990 t1_j83oiag wrote

The absolute number of billionaire and millionaire residents goes up over time because of inflation.


Rottimer t1_j843fhi wrote

Generally yes. But that has very little to do with why we have the most Billionaire residents in the world. That was not always the case, whether looking at it from absolute number or per capita. Despite having some the highest taxes in the country we have not chased away the rich.


dust1990 t1_j8dp8p0 wrote

Data says otherwise. Sure NYC is crawling with wealthy. But SOO many living part time in their pied de terres. They have their tax residence elsewhere (suburbs, CT, NJ, Florida). If you lower rates to draw these people back, you'd have a ton of revenue to pay for services.


mikevago t1_j8dmcuj wrote

Yes, New York City, famous for its lack of rich people. No wonder housing is so affordable!


dust1990 t1_j8dnoho wrote

It’s popular to hate on wealthy people. But New York’s progressive tax system is hugely dependent on them. Alienate them enough so they move their tax flag and watch the system crumble quite literally.


mikevago t1_j8dp1l9 wrote

I wasn't hating on wealthy people, I was acknowleding the reality that a very large number of them live in New York City, to the point where it's nearly impossible for a non-rich person to live in Manhattan or the western neighborhoods of Brooklyn and Queens. The idea that rich people are flooding out of New York just doesn't square with anything that has happened in the last 25 years.


dust1990 t1_j8dqaj7 wrote

Real estate prices growing astronomically in the last 50 years has very little to do with more wealthy people living in NY. The wealthy have always been here. The problem is the supply of housing hasn't increased much since WWII. The population of the state in 1945 was about 13M and about 20M today, a 50+% increase when the number of units has actually decreased, especially in Manhattan and brownstone Brooklyn. If you want more housing to be affordable, you need to advocate for building more housing and calling out NIMBYs any chance you can.


thecentury t1_j7zeqj8 wrote

Sorry, but that word doesn't exist in the blue democratic state of NY.


dust1990 t1_j7zqt9q wrote

So asinine. New York City is one of the few places where the Laffer Curve would hold true because a lot of wealthy people want to live here. If the tax rates were more reasonable and competitive with other states (NJ, CT, MA), they would most definitely increase tax revenue to pay for services for everyone.


dust1990 t1_j80aoes wrote

If you downvoted this, I guess you don't like services and enjoy paying high rates.


Medianmodeactivate t1_j84g13r wrote

Other way around. The leverage that NYC has means they can probably net afford to increase rates. That's why the city is able to pull off a municipal income tax.


dust1990 t1_j85jcsc wrote

My point is that lower rates are the revenue maximizing equilibrium. Don’t abolish it, but lower it such that more wealthy people become residents which is good for everyone because it increases tax revenue for services.


Medianmodeactivate t1_j85o3kd wrote

>My point is that lower rates are the revenue maximizing equilibrium. Don’t abolish it, but lower it such that more wealthy people become residents which is good for everyone because it increases tax revenue for services.

Right and I'm saying the net effect is ambiguous. It's not clear that the equilibrium lower taxes. For all we know they could very well afford to increase certain taxes and increase net revenues even if some number of people relocate. Since wealthy people want to live here to some extent they are a captive audience.


dust1990 t1_j85q5n5 wrote

It’s no secret the city is bleeding HNW and UHNW residents. Why not test it out?


akmalhot t1_j7yzp5z wrote

Gone before this headline published


mowotlarx OP t1_j7z6elv wrote

Well it goes counter to Eric Adams doomer "we're poor! We must seek private companies to " donate" services to us in exchange for influence!" stance, that's for sure. Also not going to help him with union negotiations when he's been feigning poverty to deny cost of living adjustments after 4-5 years of city workers not receiving them.


AutoModerator t1_j7x3y1p wrote

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SwampYankee t1_j81xbt9 wrote

Oh boy.......another 4.9 billion for police OT!


yukpurtsun t1_j8a905t wrote

the nypd overtime will soak that up by june


ECK-2188 t1_j7xa5ei wrote

And watch it evaporate by Q4


adminsarepedosReddit t1_j88i22y wrote

Pay the lawsuits for all the people ruined by their COVID mandates


_Maxolotl t1_j7xwgrf wrote

Not when Adam's cronies and NYPD are done with it.


HowdieHighHowdieHoe t1_j7yz4gv wrote

And it should go to MTA/Homeless Outreach, and re-funding education


mowotlarx OP t1_j7yzjfe wrote

>And it should go to MTA

How many times do we have to mention that NYC doesn't control or find the MTA.


chargeorge t1_j7zgqtl wrote

The city does contribute funds to the MTA, and has probably not been committing enough funds for a while.

I’d love if we could work out a deal to fund all day 6 minute service, which I’ve seen estimates between 250-350 million dollars in extra costs per year and would dramatically improve ridership.


planning_throwaway1 t1_j808n2z wrote

> I’d love if we could work out a deal to fund all day 6 minute service, which I’ve seen estimates between 250-350 million dollars in extra costs per year and would dramatically improve ridership.

This was literally in the MTA Capital Plan that they approved right before covid hit and blew everything up. The plan was to modernize signals on all the lines, which would do more than anything else to improve service across the whole system

Haven't heard shit about it since covid though. I believe they're still working on it but who knows


chargeorge t1_j80cf90 wrote

I don't even think we need new capital construction to make that happen. We already run 6 minute headways for peak hours on most trains, this is just extending that frequency out all day. That estimate for costs I saw also would include busses. I would use the bus so much more if I knew I never had to wait longer than 6 minutes.


Grass8989 t1_j7yzzdz wrote

Source on education getting defunded?


HowdieHighHowdieHoe t1_j7z72cv wrote


Bro I’m not google there’s tons of articles about how the city and state budget for education has been reduced, especially specialized schools and special education. Don’t weaponize your own incompetence in looking things up to try and imply it’s bogus.


Grass8989 t1_j7z76sd wrote

The DoE budget has essentially been static despite about a 10% enrollment decline since 2020. We also spend the most, by far, per student of any education dept in the country.


chug84 t1_j85m4kf wrote

> And it should go to MTA

Fuck the MTA. They shouldn't get another dime from this city until a thorough, top top bottom audit is conducted to find out wtf they're doing with all of the money they're already receiving.


marcusmv3 t1_j8ioymh wrote

Aww look a scorned driver who dodges tolls. Precious 🥰


uona1 t1_j7xdm7a wrote

and they say there is no money to house asylum seekers.


chug84 t1_j862a0m wrote

How about we take care of the people we have here already?


uona1 t1_j867m4l wrote

please stop with that right wing bs.


chug84 t1_j8685si wrote

Lmao how is it right wing? NYC has a huge mental health crisis on it's hands, too many of it's employees are grossly underpaid, retirees are getting fucked with their health benefits and you want me to worry about some migrant that walks into our country and starts shouting demands?


uona1 t1_j869ojj wrote

because its xenophobic and racist. It is legal to request for Asylum. Asylum Seekers deserve help too. Besides im sure you were cheering along with everyone else when we declared we were a sanctuary city. Why back out now when its a little bit tough?


chug84 t1_j86a2zh wrote

You're making a lot of assumptions and quite frankly, you sound like an ass.


uona1 t1_j86bxin wrote

I guess thats better than a rightwing racist bigot.


Phaedrusnyc t1_j82qbg0 wrote

You're being down-voted because the right-wingers in this sub don't want anyone seeing that their constant chanting of "we're not racist, we just can't afford it" is a load of nonsense.


Suorc0 t1_j85kk2v wrote

Asylum seekers are getting a fucking hotel in downtown Manhattan with city views that will cost $93k a Day to NY taxpayers 🤡


uona1 t1_j867nrb wrote

I mean the hotel is getting benefits too. I doubt they would be full at this time.