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bsanchey t1_jacqy2i wrote

Jakie Robinson from State Farm


Bigkillian t1_jad0hi9 wrote

What are you wearing Jakie?


Due-Toe2141 t1_jad82l1 wrote

it's an indication that the DOT hires people without any formal education


Even-Yogurt1719 t1_jaczwg3 wrote

It's been replaced already with the proper spelling, but only bc the NY Post blasted them on their front page lmao


YessmannTheBestman t1_jad06n5 wrote

Even ESPN is blasting them on their front page lol. "Historic swing and a miss..." (from the notification I got from them)


TOMtheCONSIGLIERE t1_jaelcv6 wrote

> Even ESPN is blasting them on their front page lol. "Historic swing and a miss..."

I don’t understand why. It cost $50.00 per letter. That is just good economic sense.

Everyone knows “past” away is the same as “passed” away.


vowelqueue t1_jacrek5 wrote

I've always felt that getting a major roadway named after you in the NYC area is such a dishonor. Your name is just going to get associated with a dangerous, congested, aging piece of infrastructure that is generally hated by the public.


myassholealt t1_jacwjda wrote

Whenever I'm in a bad mood or having a bad day, I come to this sub to read comments and leave feeling better because as bad as my day was, I'm still not as miserable as the users here who find a reason to hate any and everything possible, and complain about all of it.


justfetus t1_jad21zj wrote

I feel the same way about most of Reddit and social media. Most people just seem to try to find something to criticize, no matter what the subject is. What a cynical existence.


trophy_74 t1_jaea275 wrote

As a person who’s not from NYC, y’all deserve to complain about the city government. Your leaders are beholden to the interests of tourists and foreign investors.


epicxownage t1_jad0xvt wrote

Username checks out. Thanks for your thoughtful contribution to the discourse today


myassholealt t1_jad1l2e wrote


"Naming things suck and such a waste of resources. Incompetent!"

There's your community-sanctioned contribution.

Though I do love how you complainers always hate the person who points out that you fools hate everything. Fitting though, if you think about it.


DeathPercept10n t1_jadgv1c wrote

They couldn't see the irony if they were smacked in the face with it.


RedditSkippy t1_jactqpf wrote

Seriously. I would be like, “No, please just plant a tree in my name.”


onyourrite t1_jactqct wrote

""Ed Koch"" ""Van Wyck"" ""Verrazano"" 🤮


photo-smart t1_jadc78d wrote

They say no one's ever beaten the Van Wyck


pompcaldor t1_jaemsc3 wrote

I’ve never had a problem with the Verrazano.

The highways immediately after… different story.


DonConnection t1_jada15y wrote

"I don't give a fuck where you are in America, if you're on Martin Luther King Boulevard there's some violence going down"


Darth_JarJar300 t1_jacyp5w wrote

Yes, we should be leasing naming rights and collecting money instead.


Rottimer t1_jad8su9 wrote

And honestly, the Jackie Robinson is fucking awful. Not the infrastructure as much as the drivers though.


lupuscapabilis t1_jadlq21 wrote

What, you don't feel safe with an enclosed 2-lane area with curves and drivers doing 50?


coffeeshopslut t1_jaektgt wrote

The FDR takes the cake for that. Trusting people to do 3 wide in an enclosed space and people battle for position at 60mph at 9pm really makes you feel alive


wwants t1_jaeynaj wrote

It’s the illegal dirt bike gangs swarming you or the two assholes in low-rider racers flying past you at 90mph swerving through traffic that really enhance the experience. Late night FDR is a blood-curdling danger zone.


eggplantsforall t1_jae4as3 wrote

My favorite part is the hard right turn at the bottom of the hill going under an overpass, right before exit 6 I think. I never go into that parallel with another car.


Rottimer t1_jaepb3o wrote

50? I’d be happy if they were doing 50. More like 65 is what I see.


DonConnection t1_jadadkt wrote

The infrastructure is terrible too. I've forgotten the last time they haven't been doing construction on it


bluelion70 t1_jacoz4h wrote

I wonder if that’s intentional because it looks like adding the “c” would push Robinson down to the next line, unless they decreased the font size.


DLFiii t1_jacpymm wrote

That was my thought too. Of course, it could have and should have been addressed before it was installed!


Pretty_Garbage8380 t1_jacrjc8 wrote

The "kerning" is so terrible, this wouldn't be an issue for a skilled Graphic Designer.


silversixs t1_jacyvwl wrote

I think the kerning / nomenclature regulations for street signs are usually pretty strict due to legibility from a distance. And they look a little funny close up because of that


huebomont t1_jadghca wrote

You can't just change the spelling of something because it doesn't fit lol


Chromewave9 t1_jae6t2c wrote

You could easily change the size of the dimensions of the sign to make all the signs symetrical. Seems like an honest mistake.


FizzyJews t1_jacosl9 wrote

Incompetent ducks.


uber-chica t1_jaczygk wrote

Will always be the Interboro, but they should have spelled Jackie’s name right. The shit that gets messed up is just ridiculous at this point. There is no excuse for not looking it over before producing the signs!


Stephreads t1_jaes30m wrote

Will always be the Interboro for me too - and really, do we think Jackie Robinson would be pleased to have that road named after him?


azspeedbullet t1_jacsh7c wrote

i still call that parkway the interborough parkway


RedditSkippy t1_jactm61 wrote

I always wonder about that. I didn’t have any experience with the parkway until it was renamed, so for me, it’s always been “the Jackie.”

It’s similar to the Tappan Zee. There’s no way I’m calling it the “Mario Cuomo.”


DonConnection t1_jad94ip wrote

I still call it Tappan Zee and probably always will, but it's always Jackie Robinson for me cause that's what I grew up saying. I'm guessing folks who call it the Interboro are older


archfapper t1_jadxhc8 wrote

I learned to drive around the time they renamed the Triboro to the RFK, but it'll always be the Triboro to me


KatzDeli OP t1_jactzq5 wrote

I still call the Ed Koch the 59th street bridge and that was two names ago.


lupuscapabilis t1_jadltuq wrote

I honestly forgot it was called the Ed Koch. I still use 59th street.


-wnr- t1_jadyuf0 wrote

It's always been Queensboro for me.


Rottimer t1_jad9dqz wrote

I’ve only ever called it the 59th street Bridge because it reminds me exactly where it goes.


IIAOPSW t1_jaep3x8 wrote

I have a similar system for remembering exactly where all the streets are.


pfrank6048 t1_jadrvc9 wrote

Is it just because of the song? From what I can tell it’s (almost) always been called the Queensboro bridge, at least going back to the 20s.


JoeSicbo t1_jad3pry wrote

I still call it one of the WORST roadways ever. On a dark rainy night? Fuggedaboutit.


Rottimer t1_jad96lb wrote

Yesterday, I found myself using the term RFK and slapped myself out of it.


calebnf t1_jadfn8f wrote

In South Philly there was a sign for "Besty Ross". It was there for years before it was finally taken down.


notheld717 t1_jadn3el wrote

Really sad thing... Ask yourself how many people touched this project either from a design or graphics perspective and no-one caught the mistake or actually gave a shit enough to correct it. Big gov't rides again. Just keep spending $$$ and focus on anything other than what is important.


PyroAR15 t1_jadrhsq wrote

You have no idea.

I have military plates on , specifically the Combat Infantrymen ones, I been trying to get DMV for years to fix the spelling from Infantrymen to Infantryman, since it's Combat Infantry Badge, not plural .

Anyway I'll keep trying.


ertebolle t1_jacwi2c wrote

They should have done it in French order, "Parkway Jackie Robinson," then they'd have had room for the C.


dradnation t1_jadsaow wrote

Still The inter borough


Truktek3 t1_jadtzro wrote

Still the Interboro, still the Tri-boro, still the Tappan Zee.....

Bite me.


RuralCrafter t1_jadykpm wrote

DOT is not known for competency


Ambiizzle t1_jad9gyy wrote

Damn, during Black History Month?


El_Gato t1_jadmbql wrote

It's still the Interboro. This was done by an old school queens dude, intentionally.


Indrid_Cold23 t1_jacuscu wrote

No one wants to pay for good work anymore.


Terminator_Conn t1_jacyhab wrote

Eyyyyyyy Jakey! (In my best Fonzie voice)


gymaye t1_jad12e0 wrote

“Welcome to Walmart.. i love you”


DocBee65 t1_jad6nzx wrote

Geniuses they aren’t 🥸


j1nx718 t1_jad6s65 wrote

Everyone involved in printing, quality control and putting this up should be reprimanded. What a disrespect.


T1mac t1_jadlqb9 wrote

They ran out of space for the letters on the top line, and decided it was close enough.  ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄


stevengeeez t1_jadmeuj wrote

I wonder how many hands this sign got passed through, from designing, to printing on the sign, to delivery and installation. Not one person in this process had the decency to flag this.


coyote_snap t1_jael080 wrote

one thing i noticed as a fairly new resident is that new york has to have new road signs everytime a mayor or governor is elected? is this normal elsewhere?

seems rather wasteful to provide needless information


Beerbonkos t1_jad10mn wrote

It’s probably shortened to fit the sign. I’ve seen some weird abbreviations on NY signs


archfapper t1_jadxxq4 wrote

> I’ve seen some weird abbreviations on NY signs

I liked the ROB'T MOSES CAUSEWAY signs on Long Island, I imagine a sort of burping sound as you say ROB'T


Beerbonkos t1_jad19ng wrote

Probably should have taken the I or second O out of Robinson instead


thenoweeknder t1_jad33id wrote

Holy shit that’s hilarious. Where is this?


drainwrld2 t1_jad8yk8 wrote

How do you fuck this up


cLax0n t1_jadgv8t wrote

I jack, I rob, I sin,

Aww man, I'm Jackie Robinson

Except when I run base, I dodge the pen


Makeyoownmoney t1_jadkqu4 wrote

Ya can't be fukin' serious?!?! Jake-E?! Jake-E sounding spelling. Unbelievable.


dradnation t1_jads3t6 wrote

Omg 😳 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Zealousideal_Total50 t1_jadus84 wrote

I hate that pkwy I got into an accident on a blind bend...everyone was stopped going around it then boom


LeftyMode t1_jaekdw1 wrote

It’s notorious for crashes. There’s like 3 turns that get underestimated by drivers. Once I seen a car turned over.


Zealousideal_Total50 t1_jael6jp wrote

Yea it happened so damn quick I was going 55 mph and there was a slight turn going under a bridge once I went under and past the slight curve BAM dead stop traffic


nade_memes t1_jae0839 wrote

Jakie, Jakie, somebody made a big mistakey


tuberosum t1_jae66kt wrote

They changed it faster than the "Verrazano" bridge sign


roazlugo t1_jaedgx8 wrote

Amazing just SMH


Treat--14 t1_jadlwxm wrote

This city gets upset about the literal smallest things god damn


LoneStarTallBoi t1_jaew7or wrote

This is the character from Jenna Maroney's unauthorized race and gender swapped biopic.


Altruistic_Major4550 t1_jaedphk wrote

They know what they was doing .... bunch of tough guys hiding behind a misspelled sign in order to get a rise out of the folks but the same dudes when they see brown and black folk walking down the streets they're not so tough but I'll keep it peaceful LOL.. salute to The Legend who is Jackie Robinson!


YessmannTheBestman t1_jaczq43 wrote

Sorry, only real civil rights heroes like Elijah Muhammad get their name spelled correctly 🙄


NatLawson t1_jado1fu wrote

Of course, intentional. Racism is real. African American taxpayers and voters ought not to be disrespected and dismissed for their contribution to our country. Anyone who promotes racism should be roundly condemned.
