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tgr1551 t1_j7z3z5g wrote

Drop if off at the Colombian embassy maybe?


ICantThinkOfANameBud t1_j7z5a8w wrote

Why do people post this dumb shit. You have a better chance at getting it back to him by giving it to the MTA, local precinct, or embassy.


Soporific88 t1_j7z7rak wrote

Fly to Colombia and give it back to them


Meikok t1_j7zmmqu wrote

Don’t be discouraged by the morons in this group. Posting here is a simple free way that may work while you figure out the best place to drop it.


WiseEar5950 t1_j7zw0p1 wrote

Damm thought you was talking bout JA xtc for a sec.


[deleted] t1_j809m3b wrote

Odds a Colombian immigrant is on the NYC Reddit page? Slim… odds they’re on Facebook? High. Try there, where you can cross check names and photos. Or yea just turn it in like previous posts have pointed out.


givemeacoff33 t1_j80h2ky wrote

ITT: people who think Colombians dont use reddit


[deleted] t1_j8150g2 wrote

Lol thanks. I didn’t say it was impossible. Just meant if you wanna get someone’s id back to them then a faceless nameless profile is gonna be less helpful than one with their picture and name😂


Sk8ngWST t1_j8187tg wrote

U could also chefk on the shlter system


[deleted] t1_j81e8zf wrote

Oh damn you found me dude. DM me and let's meet somewhere private


bb1942 t1_j81osq5 wrote

He actually went in between the cars! He earned his id


overitncallinuout t1_j81wq9p wrote

@OP I support you. Thanks for trying to do a good deed. Not everyone has all the social media, and this could be their way of protecting their privacy. You would think everyone on here is so damn perfect.