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nim_opet t1_jacdqr3 wrote

Reply to comment by Karrick in Consultants Gone Wild by ToffeeFever

There was a time when America was proud of its city halls and its governments; about the same time it was building infrastructure. But then certain political party….


Louis_Farizee t1_jacn1kh wrote

The last time New York was proud of its government was the early Sixties. Things started going to hell under John Lindsay.


Karrick t1_jacejrt wrote

Bloomberg was a disaster for the very concept of civil service in this city.


Financial-Current289 t1_jacpqt0 wrote

Yes, the famously powerful republican party of new york city is consistently defunding the civil service, thank you for speaking about this.


nim_opet t1_jacq34a wrote

Note I wrote about American society at large. New York is in America. I know reading is hard.