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Grass8989 t1_j9u03oh wrote

“One area the city will continue to spend is on schools, after a law signed by Gov. Kathy Hochul last year mandating fewer kids per classroom across the five boroughs will boost Department of Education spending by at least $1.3 billion annually, according to DiNapoli.

The state’s class reduction goal will also require the DOE to hire 7,000 extra teachers, despite staffing shortages and lower student enrollment numbers.”

But reddit told me that the DoE was “defunded”.


drpvn OP t1_j9u2ocu wrote

Right, schools have been “gutted.”


user_joined_just_now t1_j9xgs1l wrote

Fun fact: from FY 2016 to FY 2021, according to figures from the New York City Independent Budget Office that have subsequently been adjusted for inflation, DOE expenditures have increased 14%, while NYPD expenditures have decreased 8% (although to be fair, if we looked at FY 2020 instead of FY 2021, it would be an increase of 6%).


Note: If you're thinking of larger numbers like $11 billion and $38 billion, those numbers most likely include benefits and other spending that aren't included in the IBO numbers, which were used for convenience and consistency. However, I'd be surprised if this trend didn't hold even after those benefits were accounted for.