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Visual_Positive_6925 t1_j8f210g wrote

!?!? Umm get on the belt at 4th ave under the verazzano and take it to the start of the BQE…duh? Depends how north in bay ridge you start but in south bay ridge its faster to go “backwards” and get on the belt than to take the streets to the bqe ramp by the precinct


Visual_Positive_6925 t1_j8f24ox wrote

Lmfaooo I just realized we accidently just made a new york version of my fav SNL skit “the californians”. Youtube it. Do yourself a favor


Brucehandstrong t1_j8fiphi wrote

What are you doing here?


jbeshay t1_j8fw6sp wrote

Ehhhhhhh I think you should go home now!!!


Brucehandstrong t1_j8g70nw wrote

How about I have a seat on that euro-Argentinian style foot chair.