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panda12291 t1_j8f2hps wrote

Who is "they"? Maybe the City could put additional timers on the lights or have more cops paid overtime to just stand around and wait for something to happen, but ultimately it's up to car drivers to not be murderous assholes (which also seems impractical given my experience with drivers in this city).


infellatio t1_j8fi05s wrote

Or banning most cars would be great


panda12291 t1_j8fiv3a wrote

Sure, I'd love to ban cars from most of the city, but that seems a bit impractical. We could at least start by putting more onus on car drivers to actually give a fuck or pay up. But the city doesn't have any authority to do that without a state law, and there doesn't seem to be much willingness from the rest of the state to put more penalties on dangerous drivers.