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Insidestr8 t1_ja6l14g wrote

I thought the Legal Aid Society represents indigent folks. Why are they representing these two bozos who stole 7500 from two laborers?

Let them pay the going fee to be defended.


Rottimer OP t1_ja79pg9 wrote

These guys don’t pay their workers, you expect them to pay for lawyers. When they realize how fucked they are you’ll see them find money for a private lawyer.


Insidestr8 t1_ja7u2za wrote

I meant the Legal Aid Society should have rejected them as clients because they don't seem to be indigent owning a construction company.


NetQuarterLatte t1_ja7x0u6 wrote

There are worse defendants out there with public defense representation.

If they don’t have an attorney representing them in court, then the whole case could be canceled because no one can be tried criminally without an attorney.