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Infinite_Carpenter t1_ja5aohi wrote

Exploiting immigrants. Happens a lot sadly.


SecureRandomNumber t1_ja5teyz wrote

Here, immigrants exploiting fellow immigrants.


SolitaryMarmot t1_ja63s3j wrote

Give everyone green cards and work permits regardless of their country of origin and color of their skin and this won't happen


damnatio_memoriae t1_ja6sam8 wrote

but... if we made the system more efficient... how would we take advantage of it for personal gain?


mowotlarx t1_ja57b2i wrote

>Prosecutors on Friday charged Lulzim “Luis” Shabaj, 41, in New York State Supreme Court with scheme to defraud, saying that he and his twin brother Gzim “Jimmy” Shabaj had stolen thousands of dollars from the Spanish-speaking workers by declining to pay them for their work at a site in Harlem.

>Prosecutors said that Gzim Shabaj, who was charged earlier this week, had responded to one worker’s early September request to be paid by pulling out a knife and, with his other hand, repeatedly punching the worker in the head until his ear bled.

A couple of cheap scumbags. I'm sure they'll get a slap on the wrist and before you know it Eric Adams will be one of their good friends helping to give them a second chance.


The_Question757 t1_ja62yfa wrote

Not going to lie, I saw the title and assumed they were going to the same job pretending to be one person and doing insane overtime


lamb_pudding t1_ja69eax wrote

Haha, I was imagining both in front of the judge and neither will admit to it so the judge hits them both with the book.


JoeFelice t1_ja660uj wrote

Good news: In spite of the title, the DA is not cracking down on ALL twin brothers, just these specific twin brothers, and their company, Three Brothers Construction.


NetQuarterLatte t1_ja5ldbx wrote

>Prosecutors said that Gzim Shabaj, who was charged earlier this week, had responded to one worker’s early September request to be paid by pulling out a knife and, with his other hand, repeatedly punching the worker in the head until his ear bled.
>About three weeks later, a second day laborer asked for his money. This time, prosecutors said, Gzim Shabaj ripped a side mirror off the worker’s van and repeatedly hit the vehicle with the detached mirror, denting a hubcap and cracking the windshield. He also hit the laborer in the shoulder, and threatened to call immigration enforcement on him, cursing at him and telling him: “Hispanics, get out of the country.”

As a vocal critic of DA Bragg, I'm glad to see Bragg doing something.


_Maxolotl t1_ja6303o wrote

Gjim Shabaj has an IMDB credit for "Albanian Gangster", lol.

I was gonna say that I was glad to see law enforcement finally doing something about wage theft, but this isn't that. These dudes are goons. One already did time for grand larceny.

Seems pretty unlikely that we're gonna see a trend of local DA's actually targeting the more common forms of wage theft, which are all too often treated as a civil matter, when they shouldn't be.


NetQuarterLatte t1_ja7ss80 wrote

Wouldn’t that make it harder to win wage theft cases?

Criminal cases can be dropped for a lot of non-merit reasons and require a “beyond any reasonable doubt” burden of proof.

Civil cases only require preponderance of evidence and don’t have strict timelines (such as speedy trial) or onerous discovery requirements on the plaintiff side.


Insidestr8 t1_ja6l14g wrote

I thought the Legal Aid Society represents indigent folks. Why are they representing these two bozos who stole 7500 from two laborers?

Let them pay the going fee to be defended.


Rottimer OP t1_ja79pg9 wrote

These guys don’t pay their workers, you expect them to pay for lawyers. When they realize how fucked they are you’ll see them find money for a private lawyer.


Insidestr8 t1_ja7u2za wrote

I meant the Legal Aid Society should have rejected them as clients because they don't seem to be indigent owning a construction company.


NetQuarterLatte t1_ja7x0u6 wrote

There are worse defendants out there with public defense representation.

If they don’t have an attorney representing them in court, then the whole case could be canceled because no one can be tried criminally without an attorney.


Green__Bananas t1_ja6cli0 wrote

You have to be a real pos to commit wage theft


Charming-Fig-2544 t1_ja7rk18 wrote

Wage theft is bigger than every other type of property crime. If you add up all the burglaries and larcenies, wage theft is multiple times larger. Some estimates put it as high as $15 billion per year, and almost all of it happens to people that make under $13/hr.


happybarfday t1_ja8g757 wrote

Lol I first read this as "Two Brothers" and though it was about the pizza joint chain...


[deleted] t1_ja6dh8a wrote



Rottimer OP t1_ja79l1n wrote

It’s more that the employer’s insurer will strongly encourage a settlement as it’s cheaper than going to court and winning.