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Stefan_Harper t1_jaba9ey wrote

It definitely isn’t, there’s no way the stations would look the way they do if it was.

New York has the most disgusting stations of any metro I’ve ever been to. I’m sure there are worse out there, but I’ve never seen any worse with my own eyes.


DelTeaz t1_jabafe4 wrote

23 billion isn’t enough? What are you smoking?


Stefan_Harper t1_jabb20b wrote

Montreal (STM) has the best run subway system in North America and it costs about 2 billion per year. So let’s use it as an example of value for money.

MTA is about 399km STM is about 70km

MTA has about 500 stations STM has about 60

MTA operates more types of trains, has longer service hours, and runs on older more expensive tracks.

MTA’s budget should be FAR larger.

23 billion for a system that large is fucking embarrassing. And that’s why the stations are embarrassing.

Everyone complains until math gets involved.


glazor t1_jac7tyv wrote

Do you have the numbers on how much is spent on servicing the debt?


Stefan_Harper t1_jackrx8 wrote

I wish, I’m sure it’s huge


glazor t1_jacmioj wrote

Just looked it up. $2.1B in 2021 and growing.


Stefan_Harper t1_jaco07p wrote


Don’t get me wrong, the MTA is mismanaged, but their budget is low for their circumstances. It just is.

It’s why it looks so insanely shitty all the time.


DelTeaz t1_jacow00 wrote

For STM it’s 1.7B CAD or 1.25B USD. So NYC has 20x the budget.

Are you on the MTAs payroll or something? How are you defending a higher budget? People like you are why taxes are so fucked in this city. You probably don’t even pay income taxes which would explain why you’re not mad about this.


Stefan_Harper t1_jacpw0i wrote

Have you tried giving the MTA even less money to see if it makes the stations cleaner? You should try that next


DelTeaz t1_jacsnxm wrote

Has the MTA ever tried not to light money on fire? I’m not advocating for lowering the budget, just don’t fucking ask for more when you wasted what you already get.


Stefan_Harper t1_jacwe2z wrote

If I was king for a day I’d audit them into oblivion and rebuild the corp from scratch, I’m with you