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nycnole68 t1_j8llrfu wrote

My card didn’t swipe on the first try during rush hour before there was tap to pay. It was busy and everyone was watching and waiting for me as I continuously swipe like an idiot.


mikejared t1_j8lmp3y wrote

Homeless shitting on the steps morning rush hour…can’t get worse than that.


smugbox t1_j8lms32 wrote

I was on a train that hit someone. I felt the thump and when we grinded to a halt I immediately knew what had just happened. I felt sick.

I guess this isn’t the worst thing to happen to me but it’s the worst thing I’ve experienced.


no-quarter275 t1_j8lr8lk wrote

A guy standing next to me picked a fight with someone in a packed train. I was between the two when a brutal fight ensued. I got away quick enough, but the guy who started it all got beaten into a pulp. I had never heard punches landed like that before. They were literally bones rattling.


thesleazye t1_j8lut0x wrote

First time to NYC, walked into an empty car during rush hour thinking I was a genius. Doors close behind me, a woman, and her teenage daughter.

Brightness spreads across the cars,
The evening hour is not so far,
Shills run by in search of space,
Late for happy hour place.

Oh an empty car is found,
Without a soul can sit down,
Or go in that crowded hell,
But that’s where my iPod fell.

Now a strong stench hits the air,
The funk of 40,000 steps,
As the doors seal up our tomb,
Confidence turns into doom.

And though I fight to be calm,
My tourist nose does quiver,
For no commuter can escape,
The dookie of the filler.

It was empty because a homeless man was shitting in a garbage bag.


JoJolion_ t1_j8lvmy2 wrote

I had to pepper spray an aggressive homeless dude


bestusername0 t1_j8mjo0f wrote

At 7am had a black homeless man walk straight over and scream that he was going to kill me "dumb ass cracker" right where I stand for about 90 seconds straight at 50th and 7th.

When I saw the picture of Michelle go's murderer in the news, I realized it was the same man.

I think about this still, every so often, and hug my children.


RedOrca-15483 t1_j8mlj20 wrote

Was going home from Bronx Science on the D train, fell asleep, and woke on the west End line.


robotshavenohearts2 t1_j8monja wrote

One day I got on the 7 and was greeted by a loud Awkwafina announcing the stops.


INFJ_in_NYC t1_j8mu1rm wrote

I was stabbed in the face on the 2 train platform at 3rd Ave 149th street. Random woman sat next to me, squeezed into a seat she couldn't fit. Started elbowing me in my ribs. I politely asked her to stop, she got up, called me a fat bitch (I was chubby at the time) and then started harassing me. She stood over me, having her Duane reade bag hit my legs. I asked her to stop, she told me it was because the train was moving. I flung the bag down the subway car and told her to leave me the fuck alone. Everyone stared. She picked up the bag, started muttering shit and digging through her purse. I was going to call the cops after 3rd Ave (because the train goes outdoors then). Doors open at 3rd Ave, she tries to take my bookbag and run off the train. I grab the other end and she attempted to sucker punch me on the platform. I beat the shit out of her. I remember being on the ground next to the train just punching her and her screaming "stop you're hurting me🤷🏾‍♀️". Then I hear people screaming I was stabbed. With adrenaline I didn't feel anything but saw the blood pouring down. I got off her and grabbed my face while trying to follow her and gather my stuff. She managed to escape and slip through the NYPD cameras. EMS was upstairs and I was transported to Lincoln hospital. Received 6 stitches on my cheek and a tetanus shot.

This was 11 years ago. I took metro north ever since then. Before I left NYC on Feb 1 of this year, I carried a hunting knife with the hook to take out entrails and a sock with rusted truck bolts.

I've had men masturbate looking at me, 3 weeks ago caught a guy filming me on the 7 train. I've had men threaten me because I asked him to not push me. On metro north (new Haven line) in January I had a drug addict threaten to kill me in front of the MTA police because I had to use the bathroom and got the conductor because she was hiding in there to avoid her fare.

Oh I also had a woman on metro north (before the pandemic, when they had quiet cars) follow me threatening to kill me because I asked her to move to a non quiet car to have her phone conversation. She kept following me after we got off the train until I went directly to the police standing next to the escalators and she backed off.

I'm so fucking happy I left that hellhole and no longer have to worry about my life being snuffed out by crazies.


Bombastically t1_j8mvb7r wrote

Pretty tame but a homeless dude at the front of the train, laying down on the seats, whips out his lil cock and starts streaming pee pee. Fountain-esque in trajectory, lots of pee. As the train moves, the pee moves towards the back of the train. When the train stops, the pee stops. It was like that game in Squid Games with the stop, go, stop, go. People were climbing on seats because as we bent around the track, the pee would swerve towards people. It never made it back to me and my SO. She wasn't happy that I wanted to stay on for 2 stops to watch before switching cars.


Guitar_Fluffy t1_j8mwkqi wrote

Moved to NYC for an internship…did a test run on the weekend before my first day to make sure I could get there with no problems. Went down the wrong side swiped my card…looked for a way to cross (I thought every station had an under/over pass). Homeless guy was begging me to open the emergency exit so I said fuck it…not trying to be make enemies on my second day in NYC…proceed to open the door and let him through and then I see an mta work in a booth throw up his hands and is like “what the fuck are you thinking?” “Use your fuckin head”…I shrug my shoulders and get the fuck out of there…go above ground, get down to correct side try to swipe my card but it won’t let me though due to a 20 minute cool down. I said fuck it and went back to my apartment so I could think about my actions.


ThreepointerFTW t1_j8n4jvn wrote

Worst thing happened to me was when a homeless man placed his hand down his pants and proceeded to pull out his penis and urinate in the train car during rush hour....