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spicytoastaficionado t1_ja8l9ug wrote

Also, why the rush to arrest Hernandez and charge him with murder only to significantly downgrade the charges like 12 hours later?

I understand upgrading/downgrading charges are a routine part of the justice system. I have no issue with that.

But arresting the guy less than 24 hours after the stabbing and then charging him with murder only to change it to assault the next day makes it clear the D.A.'s Office didn't have close to all the facts when they moved on him originally.

Why was there such an urgency to arrest this guy right away and charge him with the most serious charge possible?

The guy has a clean record and isn't a flight risk or a danger to the community. Why did the D.A.'s Office not do their due diligence before perp-walking him as an accused murderer?


madeyoulookatmynuts OP t1_ja8m52y wrote

Exactly, in this case and the bodega one from last summer there’s this incredible over reaction to the charges that get downgraded quickly and that’s scary and betrays a district attorney’s office that’s either caving to public pressure or not doing sue diligence and both of those are troubling.


k1lk1 t1_ja9hm0r wrote

It really makes no sense and shows you exactly the kind of people Bragg's got making decisions on this stuff.