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ThrowRAanyways2 OP t1_j8si89c wrote

It’s fine. I have a mini fridge in my bedroom to save the trouble of sharing a fridge. 1 bathroom is shared between me and 2 other roommates. The other is shared by the landlord and his mother, but they lend it to us when the other is occupied. I don’t rly talk to my roommates, tbh. We keep to ourselves. One of them is rly dirty with maintaining the bathroom so I don’t keep my toiletries aside from toothpaste, soap, and cheap shampoo in the bathroom. Otherwise, I rly enjoy it when my bedroom door is closed and I do whatever I want.

Edit: the only people who use the kitchen are the landlord, his mother, and myself. One of the roommates is a restaurant worker and presumably gets all food needed at either work or at their partner’s place (this roommate goes out a lot). The other roommate (the dirty one) orders Uber eats all the time. How they can afford it, beats me. I’m not complaining, though. 3 people sharing a kitchen is reasonable.


wonkiealf t1_j8slxkw wrote

>One of them is rly dirty with maintaining the bathroom so I don’t keep my toiletries aside from toothpaste, soap, and cheap shampoo in the bathroom.

Wait. So when you need to do your business in the bathroom, ie. doing #2 do you take the TP from your room to the bathroom everytime or you just don't care & just leave the TP in the bathroom?


ThrowRAanyways2 OP t1_j8smp17 wrote

Lol most of the time I leave it in the bathroom but I know for sure that roommate (the dirty one) steals it sometimes. I’ll put it back in my bedroom if I know I’ll be gone from home in a while. Yesterday, I noticed that a wad of tp was missing so I removed my roll before I left for school and when I came back, my roommate finally put their own inside.