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o0260o t1_j8sl6wj wrote

So it's possible to live on minimum wage in NYC as long as you share a living space with strangers and don't UberEATS avocado toast everyday? Checkmate, capitalists.


ThrowRAanyways2 OP t1_j8sm9s0 wrote

Honestly not sure if I understand your joke. “Don’t uber eats avocado toast every day” sounds like a jab at young adults with a silver spoon in their mouths, but “ long as you share a living space with strangers” sounds like a typical millennial criticism of the cost of living in NYC.


Turbulent_Link1738 t1_j8t2qnj wrote

The amount of time it would take to Uber eats avocado toast you could just make it yourself


wonkiealf t1_j8so488 wrote

I think you can go even lower on your living expenses if there are bunkbeds and you don't mind sleeping in the room in shifts. Not kidding. This happens all the time in immigrant communities.