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jae343 t1_j8svq1w wrote

This is like surviving more than anything because you literally have no safety net for investments so I hope people don't try this and end up homeless with no future especially since majority of folks don't have the same ability to micro manage finances like you.


stoutheart987 t1_j8t7omd wrote

I get the point that it’s doable but this is not living.


GrreggWithTwoRs t1_j8tccc0 wrote

The person is in grad school and in their early 20s, living like this isn’t a permanent thing.


stoutheart987 t1_j8u6bmz wrote

i know that. However, there's a lot of people who aren't in grad school and living like this. It's not right.


xuiy t1_j8tm3rm wrote

So people don’t “try this”? I’m sure no one is choosing to live on so little and they’re just putting it out there for others in similar situations


jae343 t1_j8tn9xq wrote

Yes I'm aware but I'm just saying there a lot of threads about moving in NYC with XXX low salary with meagre savings by potential NYC seeking hopefuls and try to hustle it out here with basically no contingency which is definitely not recommended. I get it he's a student so he technically has contingency and not worry about his future finances (In my opinion, you start as early as possible if you plan to have a family or whatnot) with family maybe even though he's self-dependent currently.