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gnukidsontheblock t1_j8swpfx wrote

I lived on like $27k last year and cleared about 10x that after taxes, and it wouldn't be that difficult to get down to $24k.

$1300 rent+utilities, splltting a 1-bed with GF

$200 phone (I pay for my parents)

$300-400 food

$30 laundry

$80 gym

~$200 subway/clothes/concerts/toiletries

$20 for youtube premium and peacock

I'm just lucky in that I was not well off until about 30 so I never got used to material or finer things. My hobbies are super cheap in basketball and guitar which I already have everything for, maybe the occasional video game. I also have a full wardrobe which I don't really buy for anymore because I bought good clothes a few years back . Even going out is fairly cheap when I just have like 2-4 beers and jazz shows are not that bad.

I do have the luxury of working from home and health insurance covered. Also live near Trader Joes so I ust cook a big meal like 2-3x a week and have the leftovers for lunch. Occasional splurge $100 at a restaurant but I'm also down for the occasional $1 box mac n cheese dinner to even things out.

I did splurge a couple months back and got a 2-bed with my own office so almost doubling my costs but obviously I can afford it, but my budget has always been like $1500-2200 a month since I can remember before that.

edit: should also acknowledge I'm childless and that is an entirely different can of worms


ThrowRAanyways2 OP t1_j8t5lop wrote

Thanks for sharing! That’s very nice of you to support your parents’ phone bill!


heystarkid t1_j8tmlci wrote

I think splitting things like rent and food with your GF helps a lot.


Lovat69 t1_j8tbclv wrote

You made $270,000 dollars last year? What do you do with the rest of the money?


shantm79 t1_j8tqwcf wrote

Judging by his user name he’s an open source dev.


ExpensiveSalary t1_j8turtr wrote

$270k after tax, not counting potential dual income from the gf and also no kids. Lol. If this is true then we found a unicorn.


gnukidsontheblock t1_j8uwa46 wrote

Safe, conservative investments mostly, just because you have money doesn't mean you need to buy "stuff". I live pretty much the same I do as when I was cleaning toilets for $15/hr 6-7 years back.


Lovat69 t1_j8vdwc2 wrote

Ok Warren Buffet, that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it a bit either. Unless you want to retire in only five years I guess. Man, I thought I invested a lot of my income...