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parallelogramz t1_j8umemn wrote

I was able to save up for a studio, so I own my own place. I am a fairly minimal person and not a big consumer, so I’m probably on the frugal side by default. But I generally go to dinner, drinks, cafes, museums, etc. as I please. I budget $3600/yr for going out and fun activities (not including vacations)

I prioritize spending on social outings over convenience items. I like to cook and meal prep breakfast/lunches instead of getting takeout, which makes my food costs low. I like to take day/weekend trips around the area, or longer trips to visit friends. I generally stay with them so there’s no hotel costs. I do volunteer work, go to the gym, read books from the library, hike, go to the beach, museums, ride my bike, garden, all sorts of things.

My biggest source of stress is my job/profession, but aside from that I have a nice life.


QuickAnything t1_j8uvz8q wrote

We’ll that sounds great. I’m just blown away how you’ve saved up enough money - and qualified - to buy an apartment here. I can’t fathom how anyone survives on so little money. Kudos to you though.