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BKEDDIE82 t1_jedo5gk wrote

I think it's all about the tax revenue.


theclan145 t1_jedwxjq wrote

Going to be the same as the illegal lotteries And ppl selling on the street


bhoeting t1_jee70tn wrote

this is a good thing, the products at these places are straight trash - ESPECIALLY any kind of oil pens or cartridges. the smoke shops that are on nearly every block in manhattan all sell the same fake products with fake CA packaging. the fact that you can buy it with a credit card is also just insane, i’ve bought bud in several legal states and could never pay with a credit card until coming to NY, where shop owners simply ignored every law, regulation, and risk possible:


jacktherer t1_jeeavip wrote

people been sellin weed out of bodegas since way before weed was legalized. its not gonna stop now, itll just go back to the down low


Rarablue0 t1_jeeejtr wrote

This is a bad take. Legal dispensaries are selling the same exact shit and at a mark up. It all comes from the same farms up north.

I actually got a 1/2 from housing works and when I peeled away one of the stickers it was labeled over 3 months expired.

All this noise is fear mongering to try and drive sales through taxed avenues. Shutting down and fining minority businesses for selling street weed while simultaneously virtue signaling about trying to mitigate the damages drug legislation has had on POC is the ultimate irony.

They couldn’t care less, they want that sales tax.


bittersandseltzer t1_jeehlku wrote

Guess I’m going back to the delivery services then. OPEN MORE FUCKING LEGAL STORES NYC