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Pool_Shark t1_jaq7t6i wrote

Tell that to the Kosziosko bridge. After they increased the lanes there the bottle neck on that part of the BQE is not even a fraction as bad as it used to be.

NY is a unique city and those studies done elsewhere don’t always translate


cdavidg4 t1_jaqzgms wrote

I don't think that project is a good example of disproving induced demand as its purpose was more to reduce weaving at a poorly designed interchange than add a long stretch of additional capacity.

I also am not fully convinced the lane reduction on the small section of the BQE is a good representation of induced demand either as the capacity was maintained at either end.


dytele t1_jaqzc1b wrote

Correct, thew new design is working better than the old


Pool_Shark t1_jar4ahw wrote

Because it added more lanes!


b1argg t1_jarcml8 wrote

It reduced the incline grade so the climb is easier for large trucks. They also reworked the LIE interchange. No lanes were added to the through BQE, just the LIE ramps.


socialcommentary2000 t1_jareuod wrote

The ergonomics of the bridge complete changed. And they changed how it interacts with the LIE.