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AnotherNYCPhotog OP t1_jdn1bjk wrote

I mean if I have to choose between a fighting a crackhead on Lexington or fighting a very aggressive chicken I'll probably choose the crackhead because at least I know what to expect.

You can't really throw crack at a chicken and expect them to stop attacking you but I know if I throw some crack or $3 at a crackhead we're good


GiosephGiostar t1_jdnej2k wrote

Specifically patrolling for a kid with pointy ears and a long drooped green cone hat holding a sword & shield.


GarysCrispLettuce t1_jdnrofm wrote

Flappin' his wings and struttin' his stuff! Peckin' and weavin' and bobbin' and talkin' trash!


MirthandMystery t1_jdnsx11 wrote

Roosters do the fighting, chickens are security guards. Makes sense.


paruresis_guy t1_jdo576o wrote

My contribution: Thursday, riding to work on the Hudson River Greenway, I saw some Riverside Park volunteers unloading a steaming pile of compost. I stopped to film it, and to smell it--I explained to the volunteers, so they didn't think I was videoing them, "This is stopping to smell the flowers for me--my favorite smell is compost."

One of the volunteers looked at me and said; "I like the smell of horse piss."

My eyes widened and I responded, (honestly) "Yes! Horse piss! On straw! In the summer heat, in a barn!" We exchanged happy knowing glances, then I continued on my way.

NYC. A pure moment of connection is seemingly always available.


bklyn1977 t1_jdolddu wrote

if this is your idea of an 'experience' you must have had a quiet, sheltered upbringing. wow a novelty sign is soooo nyc.