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queensnyatty t1_je0277e wrote

Of course they do. They are the single least efficient transit agency in the entire world. Transparency is embarrassing.


ctindel t1_je0onq8 wrote

> They are the single least efficient transit agency in the entire world

Don't forget about the corruption. Transparency is also bad for corruption.


MaybeSecondBestMan t1_je0a9uq wrote

I won’t pretend to understand the full nuance of what is no doubt a very complex issue, but as somebody who rides the trains every day, I can say that our public transit is shockingly bad for what is supposed to be the wealthiest city in the wealthiest country in the world. My impression from a few years of daily riding is that our trains are generally disgusting, inefficient, and probably badly mismanaged.


deathhand t1_je0bllp wrote

Congratulations you've got eyes and awareness.

The knee jerk response "well that's new york for you" has grown tiresome and thankfully the populace is waking up to it.

Welcome to a great, diverse city with a million stories otherwise.


spicytoastaficionado t1_je0s8fd wrote

>The knee jerk response "well that's new york for you" has grown tiresome and thankfully the populace is waking up to it.

I want to pull my hair out when people use that as a scapegoat for people/places/things being shitty in this city.


smallskeletal t1_je12z2f wrote

We got a taste of what Public Transit in this City could be under Byford, but Cuomo didn’t like being “outshined” and forced him out. We deserve better than our public transit being held hostage by the cronies of whoever is in the governors office


YouandWhoseArmy t1_je0qpj2 wrote

My train gets delayed almost everyday for the W to change tracks at Whitehall.

This is a known event. Surely some planning and process could make this an exception and not the rule.

Not in NYC. Basic stuff is impossible.


bayridgeguy09 t1_je143uw wrote

Same at rector, they send 3 W trains in a row every day right around 5pm, they have to wait for the train at whitehall to turn around and leave before they can enter. Who thought this was a good idea?


YouandWhoseArmy t1_je1e452 wrote

Ironically I believe the repaired the tunnel between Whitehall and court and the tracks there are buttery smooth.


GND52 t1_je08c9e wrote

> New York is the city that can’t, in the state that can’t. It treats a three-station subway expansion as a generational project. It clings to its way of doing things in face of obvious evidence that this way does not work; when it wants to do something different, it privatizes the state to consultants and huge design-build contractors, which has consistently raised costs wherever it is implemented. It’s not even aware of how success looks. Its leadership is rather like a Russian general who, seeing the army throw countless soldiers to take individual blocks of Bakhmut, population 70,000, insists things are going great and there is no need for anyone to learn anything about NATO standards, before ordering another wave of assault.


Towel4 t1_je0gs5a wrote

We literally blow hundreds of millions on nothing.

The budget grows and grows and for what? No extra service? No new lines? Oh wow! They’re deep cleaning 20 stations of the 472 in NYC! The first time in like 20 years or some shit?

“Guard rails to the tracks will cost seven hundred billion million quadrillion heptillion dollars because blahblahblah greased wheels and deals and “making things happen”

Sorry how much did the MTA charge in overtime hours?

How about that one official who billed for more OT hours than THERE ARE IN A FUCKING YEAR???

The leadership that siphons money from the people of NYC should be dragged through the streets.


Gracer_the_cat t1_je5rg1j wrote

Welcome to America, a country centered around CARS


NewYorker0 t1_je72ith wrote

When you have entities like MTA then the worst car centric city is better


jgalt5042 t1_je20mij wrote

Nothing? Unions take offense to that. It GOES to the hardworking union bosses who convince the uneducated about their work, while golfing and/or taking multiple no show jobs.


oreosfly t1_je0mbcn wrote

We need to force the MTA to release itemized invoices for every contract it signs as a condition of congestion pricing. No more no-strings-attached funding for the MTA.


Available_Survey8834 t1_je3f4a3 wrote

they should do electronic contract bidding so no personal contact happens . It s all solved in many countries , even Russia does electronic bidding. What about compensation , I heard conductors from metro north are making over 250k with overtime


oreosfly t1_je3j6y9 wrote

LIRR conductors are worse. The agency spends an average of $200k per conductor on salary and benefits, and the job literally involves you walking up and down the train and scanning fucking QR codes. A local moron off the street can do that job.

The MTA should install fare gates on commuter railroads, downsize the conductor workforce, and use the remaining conductors to spot check... even with the fare beating increase it'll save money over paying people to do the same work.


mowotlarx t1_je1qyu5 wrote

All state authorities hate transparency.

And is everyone aware that the NYC Department of Design and Construction is trying to sneakily become an Authority right now and have that shoved into the budget? Because somehow that'll make construction cheaper and faster when ALL evidence points to the contrary when we sell city agencies to the state?


nycdiveshack t1_je2z05s wrote

Transparency you say? Explain to me how they will pay millions for a couple of elevators


jgalt5042 t1_je20e9w wrote

Obviously, they are a government agency that wastes billions of dollars. Most than most nations


Figbud t1_je2wmyv wrote

Bro idgaf ab how bad new york's subway is I'm just happy we have a subway system that's as good as it is.


-blourng- t1_je3rt4a wrote

Being better than the rest of the USA is almost the lowest bar you could possibly set. Mediocre, decaying and filthy infrastructure is not going to keep NYC competitive into the future- we're basically just coasting on successes from generations ago, at this point. It can't (and won't) last


Figbud t1_je4g1z4 wrote

well no shit i know we can improve by a lot but I'm just saying there's no reason to be bitching like everyone else here, and you


-blourng- t1_je4gnl6 wrote

Nah nothing will ever improve without even trying to hold people accountable for the system they're running. Standards need to be higher here


NewYorker0 t1_je72zrm wrote

MTA corrupt to the core, an agencies that spend taxpayers money should be scrutinized and sorry to break to you but NYC subway is dogshit when compared to other developed countries and yet we spend most money than anyone.