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oreosfly t1_je5vk6t wrote

As someone who knows nothing about repairing roads.. why do they mill the street and then leave it in that condition for weeks before repaving? Milled roads are terrible for cars, terrible for bikes, and terrible for air quality in the surrounding neighborhood.

Is there an engineering reason as to why they cannot mill on night 1 and replace on night 2? Or is it just a logistical thing?


rioht t1_je7lgrm wrote

A bit of both. You need to be sure that all areas of the road are ready to be paved, the weather needs to be not super wet or anything, and probably logistical/contracting/regulatory stuff - did all sections get inspected, repaired, etc.


skrrrtttonu t1_je8p0p0 wrote

Gives utilities time to check on their infrastructure before it’s repaved. That way they’re not immediately ripping shit up.