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NihFin t1_jb1vk50 wrote

Amazing that they don’t even state the ethnicity any more…

They care more about political correctness than giving a clear description of a violent rapist…


columbo928s4 t1_jb2a9cq wrote

maybe, but it's basically pointless to include the ethnicity anyways given how big the city is. "the rapist was white" ok great, that narrows it down to like 5 million people "the racist was black" oh ok, even better, only 2 million people etc


movingtobay2019 t1_jb2jg9b wrote

We all know why his race was excluded.

And by your logic, why include any description? Black jacket and pants really? I got fucking black jackets and pants.


columbo928s4 t1_jb2klhd wrote

i mean, yeah, you're right, including a description of his clothing is totally useless unless it goes out basically when the crime is occurring. a much more useful strat would be to splash the surveillance video with his face all over the place


ThreeLittlePuigs t1_jb2v4xa wrote

They leave out the race in all local crime stories. But you never see these comments when it’s a white perp. Geeze wonder why.


Neckwrecker t1_jb2kckn wrote

>We all know why his race was excluded.

I don't, can you elaborate?


StumpyJoe- t1_jb2f8l2 wrote

It's weird seeing people confuse race and ethnicity.


simple_test t1_jb1wytz wrote

His face is right in the picture. You want the text of his skin color on the message I guess if thats what you mean by ethnicity.


ThreeLittlePuigs t1_jb28jsv wrote

Has nothing to do with political correctness but go off…..


No_Recommendation929 t1_jb2c2xt wrote

Having to play pretend all day every day to humor a bunch of antiracist babies is getting very tiring

PS: In Italy we have two kinds of fascists, fascists and anti-fascists


ThreeLittlePuigs t1_jb2c9b9 wrote

NBC news frequently leaves out the race when it’s a white dude too…. Never see anyone complain in those articles though. Wonder why.


Rottimer t1_jb1wtl1 wrote

There's a picture there - can you tell exactly what his ethnicity is from the surveillance video?


NihFin t1_jb1ytrx wrote

Let me indulge you - why bother describing the clothes he was wearing (also in the picture) when that’s something that can change? What is the author’s motivation with their description here? It doesn’t seem like their motivation is to be as helpful as they can be - seems like something else has hijacked their thought process.


1AngryBrotha t1_jb1zvi9 wrote

Ethnicity from appearance is subjective, especially in an NYC context. He could be Dominican or Puerto Rican or even Samoan and not identify as black.


NihFin t1_jb217b8 wrote

Wait - you want us to ask the violent rapist about his preferred ethnicity to use in a description?

I guess they don’t want to risk offending him by giving a physical description in case he identifies differently


1AngryBrotha t1_jb21t0n wrote

It's not about not defending the perp, it's about looking for squares when the missing shape is a triangle.


theuncleiroh t1_jb2b9pf wrote

Yes but the people you're responding to ARE looking for squares, no matter if the missing or responsible shape is a triangle.

That's the obvious nature of what is being done here-- trying to fix the perceptual gap here that's in no small bit responsible for crime statistics being skewed so heavily toward squares--, and why they're so mad. They don't want to believe there's anything to it other than squares commit the most crimes, and they refuse to address any reasons there might be for it. They just want to see a square match the description and get what's coming to them. No more thought to make things human, just shapes and statistics.


[deleted] t1_jb2flhv wrote

bruh, a black guy is black because his skin is black. like an asian guy is asian because they look asian, a white guy is white because they LOOK FUCKING WHITE


Rottimer t1_jb22pjt wrote

  1. Clothes are often helpful. People tend to wear the same outerwear over and over during a particular season. I don't know if you have 20 different coats, and 30 different sweatshirts - maybe you do, NYC has a lot of rich people. It also has a lot of poor ones that don't have the option. I"m going to guess the rapist falls into the latter group.

  2. I'm black, and I could not tell you with even 75% certainty that the guy in the unfocused, grainy surveillance video is black, Latino, or something else. I could say he's not white. But what use is that? You'd be happy if the article said dark skinned? Do you realize that describes like 60% of the city? What's your thought process on this? It's sounds like something has hijacked your thinking.


matrixreloaded t1_jb2bgli wrote

he’s clearly dark skinned, i mean, yeah, that’s better than not including it? what’s the harm in including as much info as possible?


[deleted] t1_jb2fqr2 wrote

bruh he looks black. come on. in this context black =/= afro American


sokpuppet1 t1_jb28num wrote

Ok, he’s white. How does that help you


fuck_you_people____ t1_jb2n4uz wrote

I would say race is one of the more obvious attributes when trying to identify someone. And he's black btw