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frenchiefanatique t1_jb29x55 wrote

Paperwork? Because of the time it takes to complete the paperwork? That is absurd. This will lead to more vigilante and extra-judicial violence.


Brolic_Broccoli t1_jb2bhtd wrote

Hey Frenchie,

Defendants are entitled to a fair trial and to any and all evidence that exculpatory. But the reforms lump in every single irrelevant piece of paper that must be provided within the statutory period. I agree with you. It's extremely frustrating having to console a victims and tell them that there is nothing that I can do because it's the law. And I am worried about their safety because their abusers and assailants are still out there.

A justice system where you don't reach the merits of a case isn't functional. It will lead to vigilante violence.