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Amon213 t1_jb2a9qq wrote

Now you're moving the goalposts. We're not discussing reducing incarcerations or prison population. We're discussing rapes and prevention. Can you stay focused? Now while I agree with what you said it won't reduce crimes.


cheetah611 t1_jb2bu8b wrote

Yeah ok I'm done here lol. Idk if you have an inability to actually absorb information, but re-read what I said.

The reason rape and violent crimes keep happening is because NYC has a habit of releasing and re-releasing repeat offenders and violent criminals. The reason that happens is because we have a prison overpopulation problem in the state. Most rapes aren't done by someone with a spotless criminal record.

Keeping violent criminals in prison, and having them actually fear the NYC justice system WILL reduce rape. Christ I feel like I'm debating a wall lol. Have fun, I'm done here