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thebruns t1_jb9ygn4 wrote

The crime is keeping someone rotting in jail for months on end because they were ACCUSED of a crime and dont have the $100 needed in bail to get out while.

Which is something that was happening.


DorindaDoo t1_jbadll9 wrote

Yep that’s exactly what happened to Kalief Browder


robxburninator t1_jb9sulf wrote

bail is a regressive fine anyway. Even with high bail you're just letting out the wealthy and incarcerating middle and lower class folks that aren't guilty of a crime. It's a poor tax.


Deluxe78 t1_jb9zmjs wrote

All those wealthy subway stabbers get away Scott free … Jeeves my stabbing gloves please .. thank you


virtual_adam t1_jb9z5ks wrote

Putting a “danger meter” on your bank account is dumb. Cancel all bail, let some rich kids rot on rikers for 12 months before they get to see a judge and tell their side of the story, then see the whole system magically get fixed


KaiDaiz t1_jba5oxj wrote

Real culprit is not cashless bail. Its speedy trial reform that having a impact on which crimes are prosecuted (mainly high profile incidents) and rest dropped or lesser charges applied in hopes it clears and don't tie up the court systems. If criminals are not prosecuted, why bother to report/arrest to watch them walk back on street to commit more crimes without consequences.


MillennialNightmare t1_jb9t209 wrote

There’s no evidence that eliminating cash bail causes crime. It’s a narrative pushed by conservatives and conservative outlets who will inevitably push back on any reform effort.


jerseycityfrankie t1_jb9trqv wrote

Gee whiz I just wonder. Too bad r/the_donald got banned and all that remains is r/joerogan for answering the tough questions.
