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89titanium t1_jdi12ez wrote


Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdi1sg2 wrote

Lol again, “dark complexion.” They use light complexion yet both are still black.

This country is obsessed with race, let’s not bullshit ourselves here.


89titanium t1_jdi42mf wrote

The description came from victim testimonies, not a few pixels from a night-time surveillance camera. Yet you say those pixels are black, ok. They simply don't use people's race in that publication, idk what to tell you. You made an assumption (that they made special rules just to not offend black people) and made a giant ass of yourself, insisting that they use racialized language. Have another, is this guy black too?:


Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdi5ig3 wrote

You don’t have anything to tell me because they don’t seem to have any publications about any white crime. Of course they use racialized language. As I said, we all do.


YoungMarshmellow t1_jdi6gjl wrote

You're so "fake" woke it's insane

Something things aren't that deep.

Just if you see the guy in the video call the cops. You're turning the entire post into something imaginary that you made up in your head


Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdi7txl wrote

Oh please, it’s not about being “woke” in the opposite direction. It’s about being an adult. Editors and publications intentionally avoid addressing certain issues outright because of race.

A white kid shoots up a school and we need to address national gun control. Black people have been killing each other with guns in droves for the past 23 years and not a peep about gun violence.

Blacks actively targeted and killed asians during the pandemic, not a peep again. Had it been a white issue, they’d be equating modern violence to what Asians experienced in the 19th century.

There is a clear double standard.


tondracek t1_jdioc6q wrote

Imagine looking at a pile of dead kids every few and assuming the only reason people want to reform the system is because the shooter was white.

I’m personally not flexible enough to get my own head that far up my own ass. Maybe you could throw out a referral to your gym or yogi for those of us looking for a good stretch?


[deleted] t1_jdie7uz wrote



Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdiet0n wrote

I guarantee you’ve used radicalized language in your life as well. I mean, you post in r/Chicago. I can’t even begin to imagine what you’ve said in lol



oh shit dude nice you named a subreddit they post in, guess you’re not racist anymore lol


Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdifpvh wrote

What racism?



you’re right, i have no idea. i’m delusional, take me to the infirmary.


Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdify4y wrote

What racism?



can u stop downvoting me immediately, it’s hurting my feelings


Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdigdhe wrote

What racism?


[deleted] t1_jdign5y wrote



Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdih6h1 wrote

So you agree in principle, you’re just making assumptions about me because I said something honest and open and it made you feel uncomfortable with how you feel about the subject matter.

Stop with the bullshit and be honest with yourself. It’s much healthier.


[deleted] t1_jdik1ag wrote



Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdiky6x wrote

So you agree with the principle in this thread but dislike that I was honest about how all Americans use radicalized language, which you admitted to doing as well, proving my point.

But decided to bring up a point I made in another thread?

I think you’re dishonest with yourself about how you feel, especially based off what you’ve said in this thread. Now address this comment you made days ago in a completely unrelated thread

What an idiot.


89titanium t1_jdi6nlb wrote

Yeah, no white crime. Only light-complexioned crime. Sorry, didn't mean to cut so close to that white fragility.


Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdi830z wrote

Show me an article written by that “publication” that clearly shows a white suspect. That should help clear up whether they address whites as whites or use “light complexion.”


Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdidd84 wrote

I’m waiting for one with a clear white suspect. Not people covered from head to toe in black


89titanium t1_jdiece2 wrote

You're woker than I. I assumed the guy who looks like a clone of Owen fucking Wilson to be white. You got me.


[deleted] t1_jdibl2q wrote



Pbpopcorn t1_jdm3ae5 wrote

BLM is such a joke. If anything it made people more racist by making them constantly think about it. To get rid of a racist society we need to look at people beyond their race. BLM itself is a corrupt organization just out for money and doesn’t actually help POC. I’m a POC myself btw. I thought the george floyd protests were dumb at the time and still do -they didn’t solve anything at a systemic level and were hypocritical at the time when we were supposed to stay home during the pandemic