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Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdih6h1 wrote

So you agree in principle, you’re just making assumptions about me because I said something honest and open and it made you feel uncomfortable with how you feel about the subject matter.

Stop with the bullshit and be honest with yourself. It’s much healthier.


[deleted] t1_jdik1ag wrote



Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdiky6x wrote

So you agree with the principle in this thread but dislike that I was honest about how all Americans use radicalized language, which you admitted to doing as well, proving my point.

But decided to bring up a point I made in another thread?

I think you’re dishonest with yourself about how you feel, especially based off what you’ve said in this thread. Now address this comment you made days ago in a completely unrelated thread

What an idiot.